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  Disclaimer Don't Let the fanfic change your opinion of Kuroo tetsurou, Its all for the plot  ~Author Guy 

   The end of training camp was near but it was fine, for the most part. For the last 2 days of camp you decided to stay at the school with tanaka. You noticed that Kurro was staring at you more Often since you got a boyfriend. Dinner was upon the teams and as you watched them all stuff their faces full of food. As usual Kuroo was one of the first people to finish eating, You saw him eyeing you as he walked out the door of the cafeteria. You assumed he wanted to talk since that was his cue for talking when you two were dating. You ignored it because you had no reason to talk with him. 

you waited for Tanaka to finish up eating so you both could hang out for a little before going to bed. Once he finished he had some obvious questions. you both went out side to lay on the grass while looking at the cool night sky.

"Y/n" he said with a questioning voice,   "Hmm? ya ryu whats up?"you said not thinking much of it,     "why'd you kiss me in front of everyone earlier... Cause last time I checked you didn't like that kind of attention" he said looking at you confused and worried,    "o-oh ummm... Well I didn't like the way Kuroo talked about you..." you said nervous ,    He chuckled and said "Really? I Mean I like being an overactive wing spiker! Though the way he said it was really off",     "uhm Ryu... I used to date kuroo before I moved to Sendai" you said shakily, he immediately turned to you and saw that you were about to cry as if he'd leave you because of a past relationship.

He rolled over to you and embraced you hoping you wouldn't cry. It shocked you at first but it didn't matter because In a way he was saying he loved you. you dug your head into your chest to avoid him seeing you cry. He didn't like seeing you like this but he knew it was a little stressful seeing your Ex. You both stayed there for awhile until you had calmed down.


Breakfast was normal Kuroo was talking to his friends like normal. Tanaka was being loud and rowdy, you caught a couple occasional glances from kuroo, Though it didn't look like much it still put an off feeling in your stomach. 

  Once the teams started to practice is when you went back to your cousins house to pack up your things for the ride home. 

"Oh Y/n your back!, your parents and brother left earlier this morning but your train ticket is still available until tomorrow at 3 pm" your aunt informed you,   "Ahhhh why'd they have to leave me!" you replied heading up stairs for your bags. Once they were packed and ready for tomorrow you went back to the gym to say bye to tanaka for the night.

Once you had walked into the gym you saw tanaka helping clean up, you wanted to give him a hug but he was all sweaty. You walked over to him quietly to scare him but your cover was blown by hinata pointing you out to the entire team.

"Hey ryu! how was practice today?" you asked,  "AHH It sucked! we had to run up and down the hill all day! but Kageyama and hinata got a new quick attack down finally!" Ryu said excitedly. you were happy about how much energy he had even after pretty much running all day.

"C'mon guys dinners ready!" Daichi yelled from the gym doors. After he said that everyone finished up quick and went to the cafeteria to eat dinner. 


Once they were done with dinner you kissed tanaka on his cheek and waved goodbye since you wanted to sleep in an actual bed. While you were walking through the nekoma halls pretty much lost at this point, you heard someone else's footsteps behind yours or your just paranoid, its between the two. The next thing you know your against a wall with kuroos hand next to your head.

"y/n... break up with him" kuroo said threateningly,    "No kuroo You need to get over it" you did your best to speak calmly though your heart was racing,    "It wasn't a question it was a Demand.   Your hands start to shake with fear unknowing of what he might do to you if you don't.  You took a deep breath and spoke with confidence "Tetsuro Kuroo.. I will not break up with his because of your selfish Desires!",  His eyes widened in shock that you actually spoke up to him. you knew you weren't far from the cafeteria so you decided to yell a bit.

"NOW. GET.OFF.ME" you yelled fairly loud, you tried to push him off of you it worked partially but he was fuming at this point. He raised his hand to hit you so you closed your eyes like it was routine, you waited for impact but it never came. You opened your eyes your body now was Ryu he was holding kuroos hand back. the rest of the Karasuno team was in the doorway to the hall.

"don't you dare touch her" Tanaka said very calm but it was obvious he was going to Beat the shit out of kuroo, "fuck..."kuroo said realising he just screwed up. your eyes began to well with tears, Tanaka saw your face and let go of kuroo and grabbed you. once he was a safe distance away from kuroo he held you tight allowing you to ball your eyes out in his arms. Once kuroo left the hallway and it was just you, tanaka, and the rest of the team. you looked over at them for a second and realized the shock on their faces, you were unsure why but it didn't matter to you because you were safe now...  

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