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Y/n grumbled as the group packed up the next morning. Finding herself very reluctant to go. "When's the plane leave?" She heard Wilbur ask Clay. Her mind was foggy and in a daze. "2:30. I want to get them there by 1:00." She heard him reply. Everyone else was talking around her but she couldn't quite focus on their voices. Y/n sat on the bed, next to her packed luggage, waiting for the others to finish scouring the rooms. "Love? Are you alright?" She snapped up to see Tommy looking at her with a very concerned face. She smiled tiredly and brushed the hair from her face. "Yeah, i'm just processing that we have to leave today. I'll be ok Tommy, promise."

Tommy cupped her cheek and rubbed it with his thumb affectionately before walking off again. "I'll be ok..." she said to herself. Y/n turned her head to the door where all of their luggage was. She checked her phone for the time, it read '12:27'. She stood and made her way to the door where everyone was waiting. "Ready to go Y/n?" Wilbur asked as she caught their attention. She smiled weakly, "As I'll ever be I guess." The group shared a sad smile as they began heading towards the elevator. Towards the end of their trip.

They all piled into their car, luggage meticulously fit together into the trunk. Thanks to Wilbur. The drive was quiet, sad faces from the two teenagers who had to leave. But they had lives to get back to, unlike the adults who had all the freedom they could ask for. Y/n rested her head on Tommy's shoulder as they drove. His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her into him. "It's going to be ok love. We'll see them all again soon enough. Don't worry." She hummed in agreement. Tommy could tell that she was still upset about the matter, so he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. He leaned down and whispered into her ear. "When we get back, I promise, I'm gonna take you on wonderful dates. We'll go to the pier, and that ice-cream shop you love so much, and we'll definitely go to the park where all those tulips grow. Hm? How does that sound love?" Y/n smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. "That sounds wonderful Toms. Thank you."

All too soon they arrived at the airport, Wilbur got their luggage out of the back and led them towards the entrance. "Clay's gone to park, but everyone's gonna come in to see you both off alright?" He said a sad smile on his face. Tommy nodded and clasped Y/n's hand in his as they walked. They passed the security with no problems, handing the TSA agents their passports. The agent smiled at them, "Sorry to see you kids go. Have a good time in America?" He asked. Y/n smiled at him, "Sad to leave, we had a wonderful time. Thank you." They waved as they went through, grabbing their things at the other end.

Wilbur led the way to their gate, a few steps ahead of them. They passed a group of teens sitting at their own gate when one popped up and pointed. "Hey that's TommyInnit! And Y/n too!" The group rushed over, Tommy glanced at Y/n and went to let go of her hand but she grasped it firmly. "Oh my god! Are you two together? I knew it!" One of the girls said. "Didn't I tell you they'd get together?" She said to her friends. A couple of the boys laughed. Another girl excitedly held up her phone, "Can we all get a picture?" Tommy and Y/n smiled and said yes. Getting smushed and posed for the selfie with the whole gaggle of people. "You guys are pretty pog. Have a good day!" Tommy said as they walked away. Laughing and talking amongst themselves about the event. Wilbur had stopped and watched the ordeal from quite a bit away, obviously not wanting to deal with being recognized that day. They continued walking and made it to their gate.

After a bit, the rest of the group showed up and sat with them as they waited for the plane to start boarding. "Flight to New York and London now boarding" They heard come over the intercom. They all stood and exchanged hugs. "Don't get into too much trouble while Wilbur's gone you two." Clay said as they got into line. Tommy scoffed and feigned being offended. "Me? Get into trouble? Never." Y/n smacked his arm lightly and laughed, "We promise Clay. You guys enjoy the rest of your trip." They all said their final goodbye's as Tommy and Y/n entered the plane, finding their seats and sitting down.

Y/n sighed as they waited for the plane to finish boarding. Tommy pulled out his phone and nudged her, "One last selfie for the fans love?" He asked. Y/n rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at the camera as he smiled goofily. She watched him upload it to twitter and soon got the ping on her phone. She opened it and read the caption.

"Guess America is the place to find the love of your life <3"

She felt her eyes well up and she sniffed. "Love why are you crying..?" Tommy asked as he looked over. Y/n looked up at him with a wide smile. "Your caption Toms." His concern turned into a sheepish grin. "Well it is isn't it?" Y/n grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, kissing him fiercely. He cupped her face and returned it equally. "I love you Toms." She said, grinning like an idiot. Tommy looked dazed from the kiss but was smiling nonetheless. "I love you too Y/n." They chuckled and leaned back as the plane began to move. making its way down the runway before speeding into the sky. Towards home.

Heeeeeyyyyy guys! I had the sudden motivation to write so I thought 'why the fuck not'. Terribly sorry that I haven't been posting, life's a bitch and so is my writers block :) Probably don't expect another update soon, as i'm a senior this year and I have a lot of responsibilities and things I have to do on a daily basis. I barely have enough time to effectively breath and calm down from the day. BUT, I do plan to keep writing as much as I can, whenever I can, and hopefully get more chapters out soon enough. thank you all for being so kind and patient, it's more than I could ever ask for. I love you all and I hope you enjoyed. stay tuned for more :)


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