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"Thanks for luring me to your cafe~"

Hanyoung laughed in embarrassment. "Stop it."

Haknyeon followed suit in laughing as well. "I mean, I wouldn't have met you if you didn't leave your comment."

She clicked her tongue as she playfully rolled her eyes. "Owh shiet-" She then abruptly yanked her hand away from her boyfriend as her eyes fell upon someone familiar. "Eomma!" She anxiously called out.

"Hey dear, why are you out so late?" Mom said as she approached closer.

"Throwing trash." Hanyoung nervously answered.

Mom raised an eyebrow. "With your neighbour?"

"We're dating." Haknyeon dropped it with no hesitation.

"Really?" Mom asked, shocked at the news.

Hanyoung's mouth agape, too stunned to utter a single word.

"Then are you guys living together?" Mom continued.



The couple simultaneously gave different answers which made mom even more confused.

"I've moved into his place." Hanyoung was quick to make up another lie as she pointed at her boyfriend.

"You guys aren't the only ones staying there right?" Mom questioned for reassurance.

"Yeah...." Hanyoung nodded while Haknyeon was busy fiddling with his fingers. He did not like the idea of lying so he wanted everything to be clear but it seems that it is not easy to please his girlfriend's mom.

Mom nodded in response. "That's good then. But, you." She looked straight into her daughter's eyes, sending chills down her spine.

Hanyoung silently gulped in fear what was about to come.

"How did you break up and moved on that fast???!?" Mom questioned her curiosity. "And of all, they lived near each other???"

"Eomma!" Hanyoung hissed for raising the voice, totally embarrassed of her own mom. "Actually...-"

"We are actually friends." Haknyeon stepped in once again as he noticed her hesitation. "There's no hard feelings."

Mom tilted her head in taken aback. "Oh is that so?

"Yeah, they weren't really in that kind of relationship so you don't really have to worry much." Haknyeon explained in his reassurance tone.

Mom's lips curved upon hearing it. "That's a relief to hear that my daughter isn't a player." She teased by nudging Hanyoung's arm. "Anyways I'm here to give more side dishes." She then handed out the carrier in her hand.

"Thank you!" Haknyeon showed his beautiful smile as he received it while Hanyoung watched as everything unfold right in front of her with mixed feelings.

Mom took her leave since it was already pretty late and there was a moment of silence before one decided to break it.

"Thanks, you explained really well." Hanyoung bit her lower lips after thanking her boyfriend.

Haknyeon used his free hand to rub his nape. "We barely started our relationship and I've already introduced myself as your boyfriend."

Hanyoung shyly hummed in response. "At least... We don't have to hide our relationship."

"True that."

"Hmmmm..." She hummed as she pondered of how should she rephrase the topic she wanted to bring up. "I'm sorry that it's a little hard to understand my mom's logic about where and who I'm living with." (Chapter 8)

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