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"Oh?" Younghoon tilted his head as another male customer made an appearance.

"Why?" Hanyoung asked without looking as she was washing dishes.

Younghoon smacked his lips as he pondered. "Nah, nothing. Just that we have another male customer."

Hanyoung cooed. "That's rare."

"Yeah." Younghoon sniffed as he gave one last glance to the customer that just walked in.

"Did he take any pictures?" Hanyoung questioned as she rinsed her hands after washing.

Younghoon hummed as he tried to recall. "I didn't see."

"Damn it, does it not look appealing enough?" Hanyoung questioned herself as she joined Younghoon at the counter.

Younghoon chinned at the customers. "I can't even tell if it tastes good or bad when they are comfortably chatting."

Hanyoung clicked her tongue. "Gotta find more food bloggers."

"No no no." Younghoon shook in disagreement. "We are dead if they give bad reviews, instead why don't we open an instagram account to promote?" He suggested while Hanyoung slowly nodded in agreement. "You're young and know how to do it anyways." He continued.

Hanyoung eyed her friend for a moment. "Oh please, I'm only 2 years younger than you."

Younghoon shrugged. "I'll put extra effort in decorating the food, you take the pictures and manage the account. Deal?" He held out his hand.

"Deal." Hanyoung grabbed his hand and shook. "But, why are we doing all of these?" She asked after the handshake.

Younghoon sighed. "Our boss is still on his honeymoon vacation remember?"

Hanyoung pursed her lips as she lightly scratched the tip of her nose. It's weird that I got the feeling our boss ran away but managed to pay us promptly.


"He's seriously looking oddly familiar." Hyunjun rubbed his nape as he pondered out loud.

Haknyeon hummed as he ate, unbothered by his friend's thought. "The waffle here is seriously the best." He commented to himself.

Hyunjun frowned and clicked his tongue. "Ah hyung! You've been saying that but you left nothing for me!"

Haknyeon eyed the younger one with his blank face. "You were paid for your photoshoot, go buy it yourself." He chinned to the counter.

"I'm still full." Hyunjun pouted as he stole bits of Haknyeon's cookies and cream ice flakes.

Haknyeon scoffed at the sight. "Pay for the next cafe we're heading to."

"Sure, I'll pick the cheapest then." Hyunjun replied as he scooped more of the ice flakes, totally finishing it up right in front of Haknyeon who could only sighed in defeat.

We're eating more food anyways. Haknyeon shrugged and finished up the honey bread.


It was finally Hanyoung's rest day. Despite being the only full time employee with Younghoon, they do have their own off days in which part timers take turns in covering the shift.

 Despite being the only full time employee with Younghoon, they do have their own off days in which part timers take turns in covering the shift

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