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"Your mom-"

"AI SEe- You scared me!" Hanyoung sighed with her hands over her pounding heart after getting startled by Haknyeon who were waiting for her arrival at the lift area.

Haknyeon shot his sheepish smile as he slowly reached for her shoulder, giving some light pats on it.

"What were you saying?" Hanyoung questioned.

"Ah, does your mom not know that you've already broken up with that dude?" Haknyeon asked.

Hanyoung licked her lips before shaking her head. "She has no idea of his existence. She thinks that I moved in here cause of Hyunjae hyung." She explained as she started walking.

Haknyeon followed suit and they walked side by side in the long corridor to their respective houses. "So she thinks that you guys are dating?"

Hanyoung hummed in response, slightly regretting lying again. "Ugh shouldn't have lied." She groaned in frustration as she scratched her head. "But, she seems to be fond of Hyunjae hyung though...." She mumbled as she recalled her mom's warm gesture to Hyunjae.


"Here, eat more." Mom warmly smiled as she passed bags of side dishes to Hyunjae.

Hyunjae returned his soft embarrassed smile. "Thank you."

Mom patted Hyunjae's back before taking her leave.


"Anyways, how did your finals go?" Hanyoung changed the topic.

Haknyeon shrugged with his pursed lips. "Tomorrow is my last paper."

Hanyoung lightly gasped. "Then shouldn't you be studying now??"

Haknyeon softly chuckled. "I've studied enough at your cafe."

"Oh, is that so?" Hanyoung rubbed her nape in embarrassment.

Haknyeon nodded in assuring. "Are you working on the day after tomorrow?" He asked.

Hanyoung hummed as she pondered. "I don't think so, why?"

Haknyeon then fished out his phone from his front pocket of his pants. "I've got an extra ticket but Hyunjunie had something on..." He said as he searched for the tickets on his phone.

Hanyoung scanned his face as she waited for him. What a cutie pie. Oh my gosh, what did I just- She then aggressively shook her head in snapping her thoughts.

"This one!" Haknyeon chimed as he finally found the online tickets he had reserved.

Hanyoung looked at the phone screen and smiled wider. "I've always wanted to watch this movie but hyungz are always busy. I'll watch with you then."

"Great!" Haknyeon beamed with his fingers busy on his phone. "Then can I... have your number?" Please please please...

"Sure." Hanyoung took his phone and keyed her number.

"T-thanks." Haknyeon shyly smiled as he took back his phone. "Then, I'll t-text you tomorrow after my paper." He waved as he stammered on his words before turning his back to get into his house.

Hanyoung then bit her lower lips in suppressing her laugh with her eyes on the door where Haknyeon just went in. He's so freaking adorable just like what my mom said. She then turned her heels and went inside her house.

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