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Ever since her boyfriend had returned back to school for the new semester, Hanyoung had been looking gloomy. She started to miss him even more during her off days especially since they used to meet often during his break.

One day, she planned to make a surprise visit at his campus on one of her off days with the help of Hyunjun. Following his guide, she reached his faculty building and waited at the 3rd floor near the staircase.

She kept glancing at her watch as she looked out for her boyfriend at the corridor. Students passed by and he was not one of them. 5 minutes more and I should be seeing him. She convinced herself since she was too early anyways that her boyfriend was still in class.

"Hannie?" She turned her head and her eyes brightened at the sight of her boyfriend.

She skipped her way to her boyfriend and threw her arms around his neck, making the latter chuckle as he returned the hug on her waist.

"I miss you so much~" She then pulled away with her hands resting on his shoulders.

Haknyeon sweetly smiled as he lightly pinched her nose. "Did you wait that long?"

She shook her head, still smiling from ear to ear.

"Y-yah, do you have to look at me like that?" Haknyeon was flustered with the way his girlfriend was lovingly gazing at him.

Hanyoung stifled a laugh and linked her arm with his. "I'm hungry."

He laughed and ruffled her hair with his free hand. "Let's go, I'll bring you around the campus after we eat." He suggested and she hummed in agreement.

The couple started taking steps away to the cafeteria but Haknyeon could not stop glancing at his girlfriend. "Do you really have to dress up this well for a surprise visit?"

She looked down at her dress and didn't see any wrong with it. "Why? It's not too short though."

"You're too pretty. What if other guys court you while you were waiting for me?" Haknyeon shot his jealousy then clicked his tongue as he rubbed his nape. "Ah even if you don't dress up, you're still pretty." He ended with a sigh.

Hanyoung paused for a moment as she observed her boyfriend's continuous babbling. She then reached out for his cheeks and gave a light squish with her free hand. "Oh come on, I would have attracted more male customers to the cafe if I was that attractive." (chapter 1)

"Is that so?" Haknyeon tilted his head in dismay. "They must be blind, but I guess that's a good thing. I don't have to fight anyone." He ended with a grin on his face.

"Don't you feel jealous though when I'm close with the hyungs?" Hanyoung asked out of curiosity but he laughed instead.

"Silly, why would I be jealous of your own friends?" He questioned back.

She shrugged. " I don't know. Some guys would."

He shrugged as well then pointed at the cafeteria they were heading. "Anyways, what do you feel like eating? It's gonna get crowded soon so I'll buy it for you while you find us seats."

She hummed as she pondered. "The one you like the most." She answered.

"But it's you though. You wanna eat yourself?" He joked, receiving a punch from the latter.

"Ahhh, seriously??" She frowned in disbelief to her boyfriend, letting out a small laugh.

He squished her cheeks then pointed at the stalls of food. "I'll get you something good!" He winked.

She chuckled as she nodded before heading to find seats for them. So grateful to have him as my boyfriend. She smiled to herself as she watched her boyfriend queueing for food.


After dining, Haknyeon toured his girlfriend around his campus without forgetting to introduce her to his friends whenever they walked past them. Though Hanyoung felt shy, she was thankful for his actions as it just shows how much he loves her.

They then eventually had a date in the library since Hanyoung knew her boyfriend had assignments to complete. Sitting side by side, she was doing research for marketing courses with the laptop she had prepared while her boyfriend was doing his assignments.

As the ambience was perfect, Haknyeon managed to complete his assignments within a short period of time and started watching shows on his laptop as Hanyoung was too focused on her research.

However, he was starting to feel bored and greedy for her attention that he shut down his laptop and rested his head on his fist with his arm on the table, facing her. Despite his strong gaze on her, she did not pay him any attention still as her eyes fixed on her laptop screen.

He let out an inaudible sighed then started looking around for ideas. A smirk crept upon his face as an idea popped out in his head. I must be a genius. He complimented himself as he grabbed a pen and straightened his back while clearing his throat before executing his plan.

He sneakily dropped a pen in between her and himself which finally caught her attention.

"Yours?" She mouthed and he nodded innocently.

Oblivious to his intention, she dragged her chair back and lowered down her body to reach out for his pen. Without her realising, her boyfriend did the same and their eyes met under the table. Puzzled, she blinked her eyes and Haknyeon seized the opportunity in stealing her lips.

Flustered, she let out a small squeal. "Y-yah!" She hissed as she lightly his chest.

He stuck out his tongue in victory then raised a pointy finger, asking for one more kiss.

She shook her head but before she could even go up, he pulled her arm down and gave a quick peck on her lips. He then escaped before she could even lash out on him.

This guy...How many times does he want to steal my lips??? She was so embarrassed to even bring her head up. She huffed her cheeks in composing herself before returning back to an upright sitting position.

She glanced to the side and caught her boyfriend cheekily grinning. What a sneaky boyfriend. Lips pressed firmly, she flicked his forehead without controlling her strength.

Caught off guard as he did not expect to get such punishment from her in the library, he silently whimpered in pain so as not to disturb other students. When he shifted his gaze to her, she was already back in focusing her research. Not again?

He pouted then grabbed his phone. He clicked on the camera app and switched the view to have a look at his forehead. To his surprise, there was a clear visible red mark on his forehead that he let out a small gasp.

Like a small grumpy puppy, he poked his girlfriend's arm continuously until she looked at him. She was half annoyed at first but when she saw the red mark on his forehead, she bit her lower lips in suppressing her laugh.

Seeing her arms reaching out for his forehead, he lowered down to match her eye level and enjoyed the way she was gently caressing his forehead. Did I just go that far for her attention? Indeed, I'm a fool for her. 


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