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What happened?

Through the rear view mirror, Hyunjun caught Hanyoung leaning her head on Haknyeon's shoulder with her eyes closed at the backseat.

"Hyung." Hyunjun softly called out his friend.

Haknyeon shifted his gaze as he hummed in response.

"Is it okay if I drop you both at the lobby? I'm going back to campus for project." Hyunjun continued as he was driving while stealing glances through the mirror.

"Yeah, that's fine." Haknyeon answered in his low voice, not wanting to disturb Hanyoung.

Shortly after, Hyunjun dropped them off at their apartment's lobby. Matching his pace with the worn out girl, Haknyeon supported Hanyoung by wrapping his arm around her shoulder.


Haknyeon shifted his gaze and slightly bowed his head.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjae frowned as he met them at the corridor, holding on to the door as he waited.

Hyunjae just left for work as he took morning leave but did not expect Hanyoung to reach home earlier.

Haknyeon pursed his lips as he did not know what was going on either. His eyes quivered as he was searching for an answer.

"Kevin." Hanyoung mumbled when they were closer that made Hyunjae's eyes widened.

"Aish..." Hyunjae hissed as he opened the door wider.

Haknyeon assisted Hanyoung with Hyunjae following at the back. Hanyoung then sat on the couch in the living room.

Hyunjae patted Haknyeon's back. "Please do us a favour by staying by her side. Especially hydration."

Haknyeon nodded despite not knowing the whole situation.

Hyunjae shot his small smile. "Thanks." He then rushed out of the house leaving Haknyeon still standing by the couch.

Haknyeon fiddled with his fingers, unsure what he should do. "Have you... had your lunch yet?"

Hanyoung opened her eyes and looked at Haknyeon. Her lips formed a thin line as she shook her head in answering his question.

"I'll cook something, be right back!" Haknyeon smiled before jogging to the kitchen.

A small smile was then plastered on Hanyoung's face. What is he so cute for?

Using remaining ingredients in the fridge, Haknyeon made a couple of dishes in hope that at least one will suit Hanyoung's taste. He nervously served the dishes on the small table in the living room.

"Looks good." Hanyoung murmured as she scanned the food.

Haknyeon licked his dry lips. "Give it a try." He said as he passed her utensils.

"Thanks." She took it with her eyes still on the food. She then scooped the kimchi stew and put it on her mouth. She nodded as she savoured.

Haknyeon was pleased by her reactions and so he began to eat as well. "Can I turn on?" He pointed at the television displayed right in front of them.

"Sure." Hanyoung nodded.

Haknyeon grabbed the remote control at the corner of the table and turned the television on. After changing channels, he finally stopped at variety show's channel.

Both enjoyed the food while watching the show with Haknyeon stealing glances every now and then. He bit his lower lip in containing his smile as he finally caught Hanyoung laughing. He quickly looked back at the screen when she was seen turning her head to his direction.

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