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He did not just- Omg! Blushed from a heart emoji, Hanyoung let out a small squeal

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He did not just- Omg! Blushed from a heart emoji, Hanyoung let out a small squeal. Smiling from ear to ear, she threw her phone aside and looked up at the ceiling.

Though I kind of cheated by using food influencer to boost cafe's name, it was kind of fun when I managed the cafe's social media account. It's only right I learn proper marketing, the right way to approach buyers. With a new goal set in mind after being lost for quite some time, she drifted off to sleep with a light heart.


As planned, the fresh couple met up the next morning for an official date. In one of the cafes they visited, Hanyoung was seen patiently waiting for Haknyeon as usual as he took photos of the food before dining. This time round, she decided to snap photos of him instead.

Haknyeon, who was focused on his photo taking, became flustered when he caught his girlfriend taking photos of him. "Why are you taking photos of me...?" He uttered softly.

Hanyoung softly smiled as she looked at the photos she just took. "I need some photos of you to look at when I'm missing you." She then looked up and met his confused face.

"Why would you miss me when we lived opposite each other?" He questioned.

She made an 'o' shape mouth before chuckling at herself. "Right, silly me."

He smiled in return then chinned to the food. "I'm done, let's eat."

She nodded and grabbed the utensils. "Anyways, when did you start your passion as a food blogger?"

He hummed as he recalled. "Before entering college, there was a long break and I didn't know what to do other than eating. So yeah... I did quite a number of part time jobs so that I can go on food adventures."

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