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"Ah hyungggg!!" Hanyoung whined after her friend decided to trick her early in the morning.

Younghoon walked away with his lips pressed firmly in preventing himself from laughing out loud in their cafe.

The atmosphere in the cafe indeed had reversed back as if nothing happened between the close friends. Even other employees were thankful else they had to go through another intense day.

"Yah yah, psst psst." Younghoon whispered but Hanyoung could not be bothered since it was probably another prank of his.

Using his long legs, he lightly kicked her legs to get her attention. "Yahhh... Your boyfriend is here!" He hissed.

Her eyes widened and turned the other side to see her boyfriend entering the cafe with his sweet smile.

Her lips curved upwards as she fixed strands of her hair behind her ears. "Hey."

Younghoon scoffed towards her sudden gentleness in her voice, receiving instant death stares from the latter.

Haknyeon softly chuckled as he walked closer to them. "Morning, little missy." He reached out his arm over the counter to gently pat his girlfriend's head.

"Don't you have something on later?" Hanyoung questioned with Younghoon judging the couple's interaction from the side.

Haknyeon nodded as he hummed. "Just wanna drop by for awhile to see you plus waffle." He winked.

Flustered, Hanyoung blinked her eyes with her mouth agape. "We don't do takeout though...?" With her puzzled look, she faced her friend.

Instead of answering, Younghoon stepped closer and stood beside his friend. "How many do you want?" He asked Haknyeon.

Haknyeon raised his hand with a peace sign. "2 please!" He grinned.

Younghoon made an 'ok' sign and headed back to make waffles.

"Why do I feel like there's something I'm not aware of?" Hanyoung blurted out her confusion to the boyz.

Haknyeon only shrugged with his non fading smile while Younghoon totally ignored her question.

"What time does your shift end today?" Haknyeon asked.

"I'm doing the closing today." Despite being ignored, Hanyoung answered the question still.

He nodded a few times. "I'll come pick you up later then."

A small shy smile was then plastered on her face. "Okie."

A long sigh escaped from Younghoon's lips, interrupting the couple's conversation. "Am I really gonna continue seeing this side of her??" He purposely said it out loud for the couple to hear while pretending to be talking to himself.

Hanyoung clicked her tongue then scooted closer to where Younghoon was making waffles. "I can hear you." Clenching on her jaws, she lightly pinched his side waist.

Younghoon flinched over the pinch and was about to nag but he met her mad eyes instead. He then showed his fake smile instead and chinned to the back. "Can't you just entertain your boyfriend there?" He pleaded.

She rolled her eyes before walking back to her boyfriend who was just enjoying the free show. "Is there anything else you want to eat or drink?"

He shook his head and stretched his arm over to give a light pinch on her cheek. "I just want to see you."

Flushed cheeks, she avoided his gaze while playing with her finger on the table. Seeing her reactions made her boyfriend laugh, totally adoring her shyness.

Waffle ⚘ Ju Haknyeon ✓Where stories live. Discover now