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With finals just around the corner, Haknyeon had not been visiting his all time favourite cafe. Hanyoung felt his absence and had been feeling down without her realizing.

"Yah." Younghoon nudged.

"What?" Hanyoung plainly muttered as she was washing dishes.

"Boss said we're getting one week off starting from tomorrow." Younghoon continued.

"Oh." Hanyoung huffed her cheeks.

Younghoon frowned towards her reaction. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Hanyoung mumbled.

A small smirk creeped on Younghoon's face. "You're waiting for him, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Hanyoung argued.

Younghoon snorted a laugh before messing with Hanyoung's hair. "Finals around the corner, he's probably busy studying."

"Huh?" Hanyoung turned as Younghoon walked away to the counter.

He waved his hand in the air without looking back. "You heard me right~"

Hanyoung looked back at the dishes she was washing. What is he saying even...


Next day, Hanyoung was just lying on her bed the moment she woke up on her rest day. She then heard a few knocks on the door and hummed as she continued using her phone.

The door opened and she felt the stare. "It's lunch time, aren't you going to eat?"

"Diet." Hanyoung simply answered without shifting her gaze.

Hyunjae scoffed and walked closer to the lazybum girl. "You're starving yourself and that's unhealthy." He nagged as he pulled her arm.

Hanyoung yanked her arm away and sent her cold death stares. "Don't touch me. And why are you here?"

Hyunjae raised an eyebrow. "It's my goddamn house."

Hanyoung blinked her eyes. "I mean, why are you at home and not working?"

Hyunjae rolled his eyes in disbelief. "It's Saturday."


Hyunjae flicked Hanyoung's forehead. "And now, it's time to eat. Don't make me call Jacob to drag you out."

"Okay okay." Hanyoung surrendered as she slid her phone on her back pocket.

She followed Hyunjae out to the living room to meet the rest of the boyz sitting on the floor with food served on the dining table.

"You're finally out huh?" Younghoon eyed the girl.

Hanyoung scrunched her nose as she took a seat beside Jacob. "Hyung, did you cook all of these?"

Jacob nodded with a smile. "Eat more."

Hyunjae clicked his tongue in full of envy. "The difference in treatment is real." He grumpily said as he sat beside Younghoon.

Younghoon laughed as he patted Hyunjae's back. "Reflect on how you treat her before you talk about it."

Hyunjae grabbed his utensils with his eyes on Hanyoung. She felt the stare once again and she looked up to stuck out her tongue playfully.

Hyunjae's jaw dropped and pointed with his spoon. "Just you wait, I'mma get you back."

"Oh Cobey, do we have any more side dishes?" Younghoon asked Jacob while the other two were in the midst of bickering.

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