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"Do you want to change careers?" Haknyeon broke the peaceful ambience in the cafe with a tint of sarcasm in his tone.

Hanyoung did not even spare a glance but clicked her tongue instead with her eyes glued on the screen of her laptop and fingers busy typing. "Just let me find this person please." She answered with her focused puckered lips.

Haknyeon stifled a laugh as he admired his girl trying to trace the IP address of the malicious comments he had on his youtube channel and other social media accounts.

Months flew by and he had already graduated from college. Since then, he had officially opened his youtube channel and garnered more attention with his influencing skills. However his girlfriend took notice of malicious comments and was pretty sure that it was done by the same person with how it was similarly written.

After fondly staring at his girl, he lightly flicked her forehead to finally get her attention. "Hyung will get mad if he knows you're not studying, you know?"

With her pouty lips, she clasped her hands together with one of her pointy fingers raised up. "Just this one time, hmm?"

Hankyeon's gaze softened and let out a defeat sigh. He then heard his name being called and so he raised his pointy finger and placed it on his lips, earning a few nods from the girl. He sweetly smiled and gently patted her head before leaving her side to the back of the cafe.

"Yes, hyung?" He asked as he was approaching Younghoon who was managing the counter.

Yes, Younghoon had indeed fully taken over the cafe and was even more stressed than before when his bestest employee aka Hanyoung had switched from a full time to part time employee ever since she had started taking classes in an academy. Thankfully, Haknyeon volunteered to help out when he had some time to spare which lessened Younghoon's worries from lack in manpower.

"This, can you help me with this while I check on the stocks?" Younghoon asked a favour.

"Sure, no problem."

"Thanks!" Younghoon patted Haknyeon's shoulder before leaving to the storeroom.

"Yessssss!" Hanyoung randomly pumped her fists in the air, catching some of the people's attention in the cafe including her boyfriend.

Haknyeon chinned up when their eyes met and she pointed at her laptop then made an 'ok' sign with her wiggling eyebrows.

She must have successfully traced and caught the culprit. Haknyeon proudly smiled as he returned a thumbs up.

Not long later, Younghoon came back as he left some things at the counter. "What are you so happy about? Did you get full score on your test or something?" He asked the girl across the cafe, not minding other customers.

Without waiting for her answer, he went back to the storeroom after grabbing the things he needed.

Hanyoung huffed her cheeks as she thought she was doomed. That day, she had requested to work in the morning so that she could do revision later that day for a test on the next day. However instead of studying, she was busy learning how to obtain IP addresses and all those needed information to lodge a report.

Of course her boyfriend was against it since she should focus on her revision as malicious comments do not bug him at all. But she was so worked up about it and seeing another side of her convinced him to leave her be. Either way, she was doing it for him out of concern which he could not argue.

Thank you, little one. He bid a small wave while working when his girlfriend was taking her leave after packing her belongings.


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