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The sun was glinting like a shiny sovereign of aureolin gold. Under the trees painted with reddish yellow leaves, the young pair was walking side by side.

"Which cinema are we heading to?" Hanyoung shyly asked as she played the tip of her hair.

"It's a few stops away from here." Haknyeon answered.

Hanyoung dropped her hand that was playing with her hair. "We are... taking s-subway?"

Haknyeon hummed as he nodded. He stole a glance and took notice of Hanyoung being uncomfortable. "Ah!" He exclaimed as he quickly rummaged through his pockets for his phone. "Yesterday I was watching this video, you might like this."

He then gave his phone to Hanyoung once he found the best video he could find to distract her. There was a little hesitation when she was taking his phone in her grasp but she watched it either way. Soon enough, her mouth stretched wider and let out her soft chuckles. Seeing that made Haknyeon smile in relief.

Without her realizing, they were already at the platform of the subway station near their apartment. The sound of the train arriving brought Hanyoung back into her senses. Seconds later, Haknyeon gently held her wrist and pulled her closer. Her surprised eyes fell upon his back then slowly looked up to the back of his head with a glimpse of his side view.

Before she could react any further, he led her inside the train and stayed by her side. "Are you not watching it anymore?" He spoke.

"Huh?" She answered almost immediately with her blank face.

Haknyeon then chinned to his phone which was still in Hanyoung's hand.

She followed his direction and felt dumb for a moment. She realized that he no longer held her wrist and all along she had been looking at him.

He must have noticed. Aishhh so embarrassing... She mentally facepalmed at herself as she forced out a smile. "I'm watching, yeah I'm watching." She brought up her hands with Haknyeon's phone and continued watching the video with her mind constantly cursing at herself.

Haknyeon bit his lower lips in suppressing his smile. How cute can this little Hannie be.


Soon enough, they reached the mall to watch the planned movie. As they were approaching the cinema, her steps were gradually getting heavier as memories flooded in. With her eyes shut, Hanyoung shook her head slightly aggressively to shake off those unwanted memories.

"What's wrong?" Haknyeon held her shoulders from taking any step further.

She opened her eyes then shifted her gaze up to meet his concerned gaze. Her uneasiness washed off right away just after looking at him. She felt inner peace and comfort with him.

"I'm fine, can you talk more?" She requested. She just needed to make sure his presence was there or her dizziness might kick in again.

"Ah... Was I too quiet?" Haknyeon sheepishly smiled as he rubbed his nape.

Hanyoung scrunched her nose as she hummed with a nod. "It was unusual of you."

Haknyeon laughed in embarrassment. "Alright I'm sorry about that." They then continued taking steps to the cinema. "Anyways, should we get popcorn? Do you prefer sweet or salty?"

"There's also both sweet and salty right?" Hanyoung tilted her head in curiosity.

"Ehhhh? There is??" Haknyeon shrieked in disbelief.

Hanyoung shrugged. "It's been awhile since I last visited."

Haknyeon hummed. "We shall see then, let's get the tickets first."

After collecting their tickets and getting themselves sweet popcorn with drinks, they went to the queue to enter. Once their tickets had been checked by the staff, they entered a narrow path with multiple halls and posters at the side.

"Which hall?" Hanyoung asked as she looked around.

"Fiveuuuuuu- omg look at this!" Haknyeon raised his voice in excitement as he pointed at a big poster of a coming soon movie. "Does my head fit?" He asked with his bright smile.

Hanyoung took out her phone as she tried to refrain herself from laughing too loud. She quickly took photos of Haknyeon getting eaten by a dinosaur in the poster and pulled him away as they could block others.

"We should come back here someday and watch this movie." Hanyoung giggled as she showed the photos she just took to Haknyeon.

Haknyeon softly chuckled then found himself admiring her little happiness. "We gotta find hall 5 before the movie starts." He reminded and they quickly searched with the help of signage.


"Wuahhh... That's a really good movie." Hanyoung thumbs up as they were exiting the cinema.

Haknyeon nodded in agreement. "Worth my ass sitting for 2 hours."

Hanyoung stifled a laugh at his comment. "Yeah, definitely."

Subway check, movie check, next Han River. (Chapter 7) "Shall we eat?" Haknyeon asked.

Hanyoung licked her lips as she patted her tummy. "I feel like eating ramyeon outside."

Did she just read my mind? "Shall we?" Haknyeon tilted his head and Hanyoung nodded.

As planned, he brought her to Han River to accomplish his mission given by her friend. He could somehow feel that she has difficulties with the areas her friend had listed. All he hoped for is to create beautiful memories with her so that she can freely step into those places again.


He turned to the voice of the owner and was then splashed with water from the fountain nearby. "Yah!" He wiped away those water on his face then pointed at the culprit. "The sun is going down! How am I supposed to dry my shirt?" Haknyeon nagged but he could not get angry when she was seen genuinely happy.

He then started chasing her down and splashed some water on her too. The chase could have lasted longer if not for their hunger. Haknyeon then told her to wait while he went to buy food for them at the nearest convenience store.

Could it be coincidence? Hanyoung pondered to herself with a small smile as she watched the scenery in front of her. Kids running around, groups of friends cycling, couples enjoying their dates, families having picnics. They are having the time of their lives.

"Hanyoung ah!" His faint voice brought her to turn her head instantly. There he was, holding on to two bowls of ramyeon with a plastic bag hung on his arm.

Curving her lips, Hanyoung stood up from where she was and jogged to help him.

"It's hot!" Haknyeon warned.

"Yessir." Hanyoung took a bowl and calmly returned to where she was waiting for him.

"Wait, don't sit yet. I bought a mat from the store." Haknyeon said with his eyes on the plastic bag.

"Ah, give me that." Hanyoung asked for another bowl so Haknyeon could lay down the mat on the grass patch.

"Be careful..." Haknyeon warned again as he slowly passed another ramyeon. He then quickly took out a mat from the bag and lay it down.

Hanyoung softened as she watched. He's a warm hearted person.

"Done! Come and sit."

They then settled down and started eating as the sun slowly disappeared.

"Thanks for today." Hanyoung sincerely said.

Haknyeon pressed his lips firmly as he slowly nodded his head. "Thanks too." He ended with his soft smile.

And I'm very sure of my feelings towards you, I like you.


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