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"Eomma!" Hanyoung called out from a distance as she raised her arm high and waved in the air.

Warm smile plastered on her mom's face the moment she was spotted. "How are you my dear?" Mom asked when her daughter was nearer.

"Good as always~" Hanyoung sang as she clung to her mom's arm. "I'm hungry." She lied as she pulled her mom to the opposite of her old house.

"I'll cook for you at home." Mom answered as she turned but her daughter firmly held her arm.

"NO." Hanyoung half shouted that made her mom startled. She quickly smiled and came up with some excuses. "I mean, I want to have some steak. And I don't want to waste your energy."

Beads of sweat started to form at Hanyoung's forehead in such nerve wracking situation, especially lying to her own mom.

Mom stifled a laugh. "Alright, where's a good place for that?"

Hanyoung winked as she was mentally relieved with her mom's agreement. "Leave that to me."


"Eomma, can we shop for awhile? I need to look for a gift." Hanyoung sheepishly smiled after they had a good meal.

Mom fondly smiled and gave a light squeeze on Hanyoung's cheek. "Let's go."

After a couple of hours, Hanyoung checked her phone and Younghoon still has yet to text her. "Eomma! Let's go to that cafe." She pointed the cafe across them. "My legs are giving away...." She lied as she slightly bend down to give some massage on her legs.

Mom snorted a laugh. "Okay okay." She followed her daughter to the cafe and settled down with drinks.

"How's the coffee?" Hanyoung asked.

Mom nodded as she sipped more. "So what are you trying to hide?"

Hanyoung coughed as she choked on her own saliva. Mom laughed as she watched her daughter's clumsiness.

"Did I get caught?" With her chin down, Hanyoung anxiously returned her mom's eye contacts.

Mom shrugged. "You yourself give it away by being too obvious."

Hanyoung pursed her lips as she looked around, pondering how she should explain the situation. "So... Uhh, my house... the electricity, water... and the place is too eerie..."

Mom had her eyebrows knitted as she tried to understand her daughter's incomplete sentences. "So you've moved out?"

"Yeahh but..." Hanyoung's words trailed off.

"You're living with Hoonie, aren't you?"

Hanyoung was completely baffled that her eyes went wide as she leaned backward. "How did you know??"

Mom snorted a laugh. "His mom told me his friend brought girlfriend home and the weird thing was she could smell your fragrance."

Hanyoung blinked her eyes in disbelief with her mouth slightly opened. "I-I, uh..." She could not find any words to explain herself.

"So you have gotten yourself a boyfriend huh?" Mom added. "Living together?"

Hanyoung waved her arms frantically in denial. "No boyfriend and I'm not sharing my room with anyone."

Mom raised an eyebrow. "That room is totally yours?"

Hanyoung nodded.

"Then bring me there. I wanna meet Hoonie and talk to him." Mom said before chugging down her drink.

"W-why?" Hanyoung asked in fear what her mom could possibly do to Younghoon.

"To make sure you're not doing anything stupid!" Mom scolded.

Hanyoung's jaw dropped. "Since when do you trust him more than me?"

"Since you dare to lie to me." Mom eyed her daughter, making Hanyoung backed down from the argument.


"So they are your friends?" In such a tense situation at the house, mom spoke that even her daughter was afraid of what was about to come.

Kneeling on the floor with Hanyoung, Younghoon nodded. "Yes."

Jacob and Hyunjae were awkwardly standing by the side as the situation unfolds in front of them.

"And who is the one dating my daughter?" Mom continued with her interrogation.

With no hesitation, Younghoon pointed at Hyunjae.

Mom looked at Hyunjae who was nervously fidgeting with his fingers. "How much do you love her?"


"A lot." Younghoon cut off Hyunjae's word. "He cares for her a lot, way beyond anyone's imagination. Her house was so scary that he could not sleep a wink as he was very worried for her." He added that his friends were literally gawking.

"Is that so?" Mom pursed her lips as she returned her gaze back to Hyunjae. "Mhhmm you do seem reliable, take care of her but don't you ever dare to sleep with her." Mom warned.

Hyunjae gulped and obediently nodded his head. Since things had come that far because of Younghoon, Hyunjae had to play along. "Don't worry, I won't even touch her."

Mom lifted her eyebrow in full of suspicion. "Not even holding hands or kissing?"

"Yes!" Hyunjae agreed.

Hanyoung quickly jumped in as the situation got weirder. "I don't like skinships."

"But you beat up your own friend." Mom chinned to Younghoon's direction.

"That's different." Hanyoung argued.

Mom shrugged.

As it was getting late, mom eventually took her leave and Hanyoung walked her mom out.

"What if he isn't my boyfriend?" Hanyoung asked, digging her own grave.

"Then move out!" Mom scolded.

"Ah whyyyy??" Hanyoung whined.

Mom slapped Hanyoung's back and she winced in pain. "Single lady with 3 men? Are you crazy?!?" Mom added another slap on Hanyoung's back.

"Geez fine, you don't have to slap me that hard." Hanyoung pouted as she reached her arms back to soothe the pain.

Just then, the elevator arrived and it was such a coincidence to bump into Haknyeon who was returning home after throwing out trash.

"Oh, hey." Haknyeon smiled at Hanyoung.

Hanyoung returned her small smile. "Hi."

Mom eyed the latter before shifting her gaze to her daughter. "Neighbour?"

"Yes." Haknyeon answered with his pleasant smile as he walked out.

"Oh what an adorable young man." Mom warmly smiled and nudged her daughter. "If you ever break up, go to this young man." She whispered but audible enough for Haknyeon to hear.

"Eomma!" Hanyoung half screamed in embarrassment and quickly pulled her mom inside the elevator. Omg where can I hide my face... She mentally cursed as she kept pressing the close button.

Haknyeon tilted his head in confusion as the door closed right in front of him. What's going on?


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