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"Hanyoung ah."

Hanyoung hummed without looking at the owner of the voice.

"Since I'm a coward, can I make use of this opportunity?" Kevin continued in his soft voice.

"Huh?" Hanyoung was very confused that she finally turned her head and met his wandering eyes.

"Don't look at me." Kevin mumbled.

Hanyoung blinked her eyes a couple of times before shifting her gaze back to her phone. "Oh. So what do you wanna say in this crowded train?"

Kevin licked his dry lips. "I like you."

Hanyoung silently gasped with her widened eyes, Kevin's sudden confession definitely caught her by surprise. "I-is that why you offered to send me home..?"

Kevin let out his nervous laugh. "Yeah... So uhm what's your answer?"

"Me too..." Hanyoung whispered with her eyes on the floor, embarrassed of her own confession.

"Yessss!" Kevin hissed in happiness. He then reached out for her hand and intertwined their fingers.

In school uniform, the two young lovebirds officially began their relationship.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Kevin asked as he caressed the back of Hanyoung's hand with his thumb.

Hanyoung shyly nodded.

"Let's go on a date." Kevin added.

"Sure." Hanyoung softly smiled.

Next day was a weekend and Kevin came to Hanyoung's place to fetch her without telling her his plan for the date.

"Are you still not going to tell me where are we going?" Hanyoung casually asked.

Kevin softly chuckled. "Come on, it's called surprise."

Hanyoung scrunched her nose. "Movie is part of the plan, isn't it?"

Kevin's jaw dropped. "How'd you know??"

Hanyoung shrugged in return and linked her arm with her first boyfriend aka her first love. Ever since she entered high school, her eyes were only for him. As they grew closer as classmates, they fell for each other deeper.

To celebrate their first monthsary, Kevin brought Hanyoung to Han River after school. His well planned surprise made her tear up. As he gently wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks with the sunsetting, he slowly leaned in and their lips met.

Stealing her first kiss, Hanyoung lightly hit Kevin's chest after they had pulled apart. "Yah, we're still in uniform!" She scolded with her flushed cheeks.

Kevin laughed wholeheartedly and squished her cheeks. "Cutie."

Hanyoung groaned as she hid her face with her palms in embarrassment.


"Earth to Youngie~"

Hanyoung was startled when Haknyeon waved his hand in front of her face. "Oh, sorry."

Haknyeon shot his beautiful smile. "It's okay." He then chinned to the scenery in front of them. "Don't you want to take pictures of this amazing landscape? The moon is clearly visible and feels like glowing ahhh ahhh my eyes!" He ended by dramatically covering his eyes.

Hanyoung chuckled, totally forgetting why she was spacing out even. She realized first confession, first date and first kiss should not hinder her from everything else. She learnt that there is nothing to fear and feel anxious about just because it was the first thing to everything.

Thank you Haknyeon and most probably, Younghoon hyung too if it's not coincidence. She smiled as she admired Haknyeon's side view.

"Ah! I totally forgot to update my blog!" Haknyeon quickly fished out his phone.

"Your foodblog?" Hanyoung asked with a tone that she already knew.

Haknyeon hummed. "Wait. You knew?" He turned his head with his eyebrow lifted.

"That you're a foodblogger and influencer?" Hanyoung questioned back.

"Heol." Haknyeon leaned back in baffled. "How?!"

"I left- No I mean, I'm good at wild guessing." Hanyoung forced out her smile as she lied. It would be hella embarrassing if he knew I was the one that lured him to the cafe!!

"Oh, you're a smart one huh?" Haknyeon bought her lie and continued with his activity.

Hanyoung looked back at the night scenery as she puffed her cheeks in relief. That was close.

"Okay done~" Haknyeon said after updating a new post on his blog. "Ah right, I posted your cafe before on my blog and instagram.... Wait let me find it." He started scrolling and Hanyoung pressed her lips firmly as her body trembled in fear that she would get caught.

"Found it!" Haknyeon chimed then had his facial expression changed once again. "Honey99?"

Hanyoung choked on her saliva and started coughing while patting her own chest.

"Are you okay??" Haknyeon questioned with his worried face.

Hanyoung waved in return. "I'm fine."

Haknyeon then let out his soft chuckles. "Honey99, this username is you am I right?"

Hanyoung closed her eyes in defeat. "Why, why would you scroll to the post about recommendation instead...."

"It's just right below." Haknyeon continued laughing.

"Our cafe wasn't doing well you see..." Hanyoung's words trailed off as she admitted.

"Glad it worked out now."

Hanyoung hummed. "Thank you, it's all thanks to you."

"My pleasure."

Hanyoung then suddenly felt his touch on her head. Haknyeon was gently stroking her head. I wouldn't have met you if you had not left the comments behind. I should be the one thanking you. As much as he wanted to say it all out, his mouth was sealed tight.

"You did well."

"Huh?" Hanyoung eyes never leave the man who was still stroking her head.

Haknyeon shifted his gaze and met hers. He finally realized what he was doing and he quickly retrieved back his hand. "I mean, I'm pretty sure you did your research to have come across my blog." He answered as he avoided her gaze.

A small smile plastered on her face. "It was pretty stressful though I'm just an employee."

"No matter where you stand, you're still an important person in the cafe. The fact that you were concerned about the cafe shows that you're not just an employee. You're an amazing employee that deserves recognition for your hard work." Haknyeon showered the girl with his wise words.

Hanyoung was quiet for a moment of silence. She was speechless and unsure how she should show her gratitude to someone who appreciated her. "Maybe, I should name you 'Thank You'. I can't seem to stop thanking you."

"Ju Thank You?" Haknyeon played along with her joke as he laughed hard.

I'm always the one receiving, is there anything I can give to him? Hanyoung pondered as she was getting fond of his bright and positive personality.


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