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beaming lights blinded my sight upon entering the place. the award show has ended, and it was a success. hearing our fans scream our names when we were performing surely did warm my heart a lot.

this is why the idols have decided to have a party tonight in this private club. you know, to loosen up a bit and enjoy the remaining days of the year.

i roamed my eyes around and spotted some of our friends dancing, while some were chattering as they sip onto their drinks.

"yeogi!" we all flashed a smile once we heard yeri's voice and headed towards their way. they were sitting on a couch while sipping on their cocktails.

we ordered our own drinks and proceeded in sharing stories. the topic jumped from one thing to another, telling gossips we heard from other people.

"ya lisa, i heard that jungkook likes you!" soo-young blurted out, causing me to choke.

"ew! museun soriya?" i asked in between chuckles. however, they all made teasing expressions and looked at each other, before bursting out into laughters.

"hm, i think our lisa here likes jungkook too." irene unnie claimed. my face instantly scrunched upon hearing that.

"disgusting unnie! why would i like a jerk?!" i said as i sip onto my drink. maybe they were getting drunk, because how else could they blurt out such thoughts? "crows would turn white if that ever happens." i continued.

they all let out a snicker and just nodded their heads. "arasso, no need to get so defensive about it." yeri replied as they laugh once again.

suddenly, i felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn my head around. "bambam?" i surprisingly asked. despite the flashing lights, i could tell his face was red from all the drinking he was doing.

"ya, we're having a game upstairs! you guys should come!" he slurred out as he pulled my arm causing me to rise from my seat. my unnies were surprised at his sudden action but they just gestured me to go and they'll follow.

he put his arms around my shoulder as we walk side by side. he reeked so much of alcohol that i wanted to push him away, but he seemed drunk so i just let him be. besides, he might trip if he doesn't have a support.

"are you enjoying liz?" he asked as he drank onto the bottle he was holding onto.

"mhm, got all your chicks now?" i jokingly questioned, which i regretted after hearing his response.

"i'm turning into a new leaf now, lisa! i'm faithful to mina!"

once we reached the last step of the stair, i noticed how the idols were circling around something. we walked over there and saw that they were playing spin the bottle.

they all greeted once they saw us, with a little bit of teasing as they noticed bam's hand placed on me. i bit my inner cheek to stop myself from smiling. however, he immediately removed his hand on me making my mood drop.

the game went on, typical truth or dare gameplay and the punishment of drinking the beer in one motion if you do not want to do the challenge.

the bottle suddenly landed on me. "truth or dare?" they all asked as they kept their eyes on me. "truth!" i shouted.

"tell us who you want to make out in this room then!" jackson replied, with the people oohing their mouths. i felt my face become hotter, as i try to think of an answer. how could he ask a question like that?

i reached out for the glass of beer as i decided to pass. my nose scrunched as the taste of the alcohol touched my taste buds. i have a low tolerance when it comes to drinks, yet i managed to finish it in one motion.

they all cheered as i raised the empty glass and placed it back onto the table. the game went on again, others were doing the challenge while some were passing it.

boisterous laughters were suddenly heard and we all turned our heads. bts has just arrived and we greeted them as we bowed our heads down. surprisingly, my unnies came right behind them. and if i'm right, i think i just saw jennie unnie flirting with taehyung oppa.

the bottle spun again, the truth questions and dare challenges getting more and more embarrassing. i guess it was my unlucky day as the bottle kept on pointing at me. i even lost count as to how many glasses of beers i have drank.

"lis, try doing the challenge instead." bam whispered. i just ignored his statements and chugged the drink.

"ooooh lisa's drinking game is strong today!"

"our maknae has grown!"

"slow down lisa!"

several voices echoed throughout the room as i drink up. as soon as i finished it, my vision started to get blurry. still, i showed up a strong front.

the bottle turned again and it shockingly stopped at bambam. mark stepped forward and shouted across the room, "i choose dare for you my friend!" we all laughed upon realizing he didn't even give bam a chance to choose. still, he let is slide and just nodded.

"kiss the person you like in this room!"

instantly, people teased him and cheered loudly. they all were nudging mina and kept on pointing at her. i felt a sharp pain on my chest as they went on. my gaze landed on my unnies, who looked worried and gesturing for me to come near them.

accidentally, i looked at the person beside them — jungkook. i noticed that he was intently staring at me to see my reaction. i looked away and kept my head down.

i felt bambam walking forward, making me glance. he was now facing mina's direction. my sight was getting more unclear and it's not because of the alcohol flowing through my body, but the tears that are starting to form.

the teasings got louder, and my breathing got heavier. i bit my lip to stop myself from crying here and making a scene.

bambam then leaned forward, and i kept my eyes on them. this is going to hurt for sure, but i just can't keep my sight off them. it's like i was frozen.

all of a sudden, as they were about to kiss, i felt a hand covering my eyes. people were shouting kiss over and over again, and instantly shouted with joy after a few seconds.

"you don't need to see this." that voice.

i still couldn't see a thing as a hand was still blocking my vision. i could've jerked it away from me, but my instincts told me not to.

"gwaenchana. i'm here now brat, you can cry."

hearing his voice calmed me down. in a matter of seconds, i felt my tears roll down my face. i was letting it all out like he said.

"gaja." he whispered as he put his arms around me and guided me in walking. i didn't know where we were going, but i trust him enough that i didn't protest anymore.

always the perfect timing, jungkook.

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