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"lisa?" a familiar voice muttered to my ear. i almost jolted up from my bed upon hearing a man's voice, but soon calmed down when i realize it was kook's.

i almost forgot that he stayed here overnight. my unnies actually didn't approve of him sleeping in the same room as me. but after the talk they had, they just let him be. i will never understand how he managed to convince them.

i heard him call out my name again, yet the heaviness i was feeling in my eyes was too much that i didn't bother responding at all.

"yeobo," he whispered. still, i remained silent. suddenly, i can feel him biting my earlobe causing me to stir.

"what?" i groaned.

i heard him mumble something, which i failed to understand. "what again?" i asked.

i felt his hand on my cheek, gently caressing it. i slowly opened my eyes and instantly beamed at the sight. he then flashed his infamous smile afterward.

"everyday would be a great day if i woke up next to you," he softly said. "good morning, baby." he leans closer, planting a featherlight kiss onto my forehead.

i closed my eyes for a bit, inhaling his scent. "good morning, kookie. didn't have to bite my ear though," i jokingly scolded.

"well, you have already hit your alarm three times and i kept on calling you but you just continue to ignore me."

i stretched my arms against him. "you know, there are better ways of waking me up if you're going to be sleeping in my bed."

he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. he snuggled his face into my neck, his soft breath tickling my neck. "mhmm, why is your skin so soft?"

". . . and you smell so damn good," he mumbles, positioning his self above me. pure electricity zips through me as he kisses my neck. he then rained a trail of kisses up the side of my throat making me shiver.

"this isn't what i meant by other ways, junglecock," i told him in between chuckles. "and besides, jisoo unnie might come in any minute."

he stopped kissing my neck and pulled away. i heard him smirk. "so my nickname's really either jerkook or junglecock, huh?" he said, sounding amused.

"don't you have to get up for your dance rehearsals?" he asks, lying back onto my side again.

"don't you have to leave before anyone sees you?" i muttered, returning the sarcasm.

he then grazed my side making me yelp. "oh, forgot you were ticklish," he said innocently. in just a matter of seconds, i already knew what he was planning.

i held his hands in place at my waist with a death grip. "do not tickle me."

i was about to crawl off the bed when he suddenly grabbed my thigh and hoisted me onto him.

i yelped and laughed, falling on top of him, my body landing with a soft crash.

"you're going to pay for that!"

"yeah? what are you going to do, shortcake?"

i giggled as i rolled my eyes, delicately punching his shoulder.

he poked his side cheek with his tongue, a mischievous smile appearing on his lips. "it's not nice to hit," he says.

he then tickled my sides, causing me to thrashed violently over him.

"damn woman, calm down!" he laughed.

"don't tickle then!" i screamed around laughter.

he flipped me over and landed on top of me, calming my outburst as i heaved beneath him.

"dont," i pleaded.

"don't give mercy?"

"don't, kook, please. i hate being tickled!"

"like this?" he asks, his fingers dancing up my sides, beneath my shirt. "but you're laughing. laughing indicates enjoyment."

i bucked against him. my lungs were starting to burn from gulping in air between giggles. my head throbbed from laughing too hard.

"hajjima! i'll end you, jeon!"

he grinned like a dumbass. "i think you're just going to laugh. not very threatening."

"both of you stop it this instant or i'll end you both maknaes!"

kook immediately stopped his actions. we both glanced at the door and saw a half-awake jisoo standing right there. her hair was still a mess, and it seemed like she only got up from her bed to reprimand us.

"for crying out loud, it's 4 in the morning. let people sleep," she uttered under her breath, before heading back to her bedroom.

"but unnie, we have practice!" i shouted across the room.

"cancelled! now keep it down or i'll kick you out!" she replied, her voice echoing throughout the hallway.

i squinted my eyes at kook, to which he did the same thing.

"told you we're getting in trouble if you keep that up," i hissed.

"there's no one else i'd rather get into trouble with," he says as he winks at me and plants a kiss on my cheek.

i got up from the bed and pulled his arms. "come, let's prepare breakfast," i invited.

his eyes widened in shock. "you'll cook?" he asks in disbelief. "i mean, you might burn the whole place down, shortcake."

i shot an irritated look at him. "ya, i know how to cook, idiot!"

"hm, thai dish?" he asked, a smirk forming on his lips.

"ani, waeyo?"

"oh," he paused for a brief moment. "cause if it were to be thai, then i guess my meal's already prepared."

i furrowed my eyebrows. his eyes glanced up and down from my body, stopping midway. he then licked his lips and jokingly bit it, mouthing the word you.

and honestly . . . it looked creepy.

he simply chuckled at my reaction and walked over me, placing his arms on my shoulders.

"alright, let's go now," he says, placing a kiss — again, on the top of my head.

despite his perverted remarks, i felt happy. there was something else here, something that bubbled out of me, filled me to the brim with longing . . . and love? the way he touched me and held my gaze . . .

for the first time in my life, i felt this kind of love.

this was the love i was looking for all this time, and turns out, i found it with jungkook.

[A/N: will revise if i have the time since i'm once again experiencing a writer's block hdhdhs not to mention the fact that i'm still in pain bc of jennie nd gd dating :(( i mean i support them, it's just that daragon was my first nd ultimate ship ever #pain ! + idk if jendragon really is a media play bc ... why would gd agree to him being used for pr stunt right? nd if it weren't true, yg could've already denied it just like how they denied it w the jennie nd teddy dating rumors before. ayt just my two cents HAHA anw, the end is near for this book, hope u continue to support it till the very last chapter. thank u!]

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