Chapter 29 : Crazy

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A/N: I haven't had any time to edit, so if you see a mistake please comment and I'll change it

James rushed in behind Harlan, they both ran up to to the PICU, ignoring the people they ran into. They had managed to get there within half an hour, as Harlan had made James stop for food and so were still close by. 

James saw Harry holding Elijah as they looked through the glass window, a single hand pressed against it as they watched in agony. Waiting. 

James was going to be sick. He had too much adrenaline in his body, his heart was racing and his breaths crackled in his lungs. 

"What happened?" Harlan gasped out to his brother as he tried to catch his breath.

"I don't know. The monitors just went crazy, they had to call a code?" Harry rambled, not tearing his eyes away from the doctors swarming over her body. 

"Oh god" Harlan muttered, leaning back.  

James lunged at his brother, anger overtaking him. He beat at Harry, scrambling to get a punch in all whilst shouting "You said you'd look after her!". Harlan tried to pull him off but Harry waved a hand to stop him.

He let James continue hitting him. Harry was tough, whilst James could pack a punch he was still only 12 years old. Instead of retaliating Harry forcefully pulled the boy into his chest, almost crushing him. He held an arm round him as James screamed at him, muffled by his chest.

Eventually the shouting turned to sobs as he buried himself in the chest of his big brother, comfort was all he needed right now. The other two just looked on devastated. 


The doctor came out several minutes later, his hat in his hands, a somber expression on his face. 

"I'm sorry" He said. "The bleeding in her chest was monumental. We had to open her up bedside and stop the bleeding"

"We have stopped it and she is stable for now but we will keep her sedated for a few more hours" He shook Harlans hand as he walked off, trailed by his team. 

A nurse was now permanently sat at the desk outside Addie's area, making sure everything was fine. 

"Oh baby" Elijah sobbed onto Addie's hand, his tears running over their entwined knuckles. "I thought we lost you" He felt James clinging to his side, both their tears dripping. 


Two days later Addie was finally moved from the PICU to the normal children's cardiac ward. She was still in a lot of pain and very weak, spending most of her time in bed. But praise the lord she had pulled through the worst. 

Thankfully she had been taken off the ventilator but she still had to wear an oxygen mask over her face along with some of the other tubes. 

Elijah had a shocked face when he noticed Harlan sitting in the corner of her room. 

"Heyyyyy Harlan, what... what are you doing here?" He asked, Addie could see the sweat gathering on his forehead as he rubbed the back of his head. She could tell he was nervous. 

"Why is it any of your concern?" He asked, not looking up as per usual, his stony persona on point. 

"Never mind. Hey, um, I forgot something... um, in the car. I'll be right back." Elijah muttered, spinning on his heel to exit her room in a hurry. 

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