Chapter 21 : Memories

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Addie groaned, a heavy weight was pushing on her stomach. She cracked her eyes open to find James' face about an inch from hers. Addie jumped in surprise, cracking both of their heads together. 

"UGHHH" James groans as he rolls off of her. Thomas groaned when James collapsed onto him, accidentally kneeing his man parts. 

Addie's stomach lurched as she dived off the bed, Thomas grunting further as she whacked him in the face whilst attempting to scramble over his body. 

The commotion clearly woke up the other two who sat up with a start as Addie dived into the bathroom. She threw the lid of the toilet open before preceding to empty her stomach contents into the toilet. 

Addie felt a hand grabbing her hair whilst rubbing soothing circles onto her back. 

Elijah sighed, he could clearly feel her ribs and spine sticking out through her thin cotton pyjama top. 

When Addie felt the nausea subside slightly she straightened, flushing the toilet and washing her mouth out with water from the sink. 

"Sorry Lijah" 

"For what?" He asked, his eyebrow rising. 

"For being sick in your bathroom" She said as if it was obvious. Elijah only scoffed, pulling her into a hug, wrapping his giant arms around her frame. Addie sighed into his arms. 

"Don't be silly sweetheart. Besides we're used to vomit. I can't even tell you how many times James has vomited on me" He said chuckling which was met with a sharp hey from James. 

Addie turned her head in his hold. Thomas, Riley and James were gathered in the doorway, a scowl on James face. 

Addie often forgot that James was sick too. Although his health was significantly better than Addie's, he wasn't without his struggles. 

"WAittt" James screeched, everyone turned to look at him as his head seemed to spin. "It's CHRISTMAS!"

It was almost like in the five minutes they had been awake that they had all forgotten about Christmas. 

"Yay" Addie and James squealed in sync whilst the older three rolled their eyes at their childish antics. 

James grabbed Addie's hand, yanking her out the door, both of them banging into Thomas on the way out. 

"I'm not a fucking punching bag" He yelled after them. 

The pair ignored him as James dragged them down the hall, both giggling. 

"James, NO" Addie hissed through her teeth when she realised where they were going. "Stop"

"Don't worry Ads, it's fine." He whispered, pushing Harlan's door open slightly. He peered his head round and smiled when he saw him still sleeping. 

Addie dug her heels into the floor, but her fluffy socks slid across the wooden floor as James tugged her. 

Addie peered around his room in awe. She still hadn't been in his room and it was more intimidating than she thought. 

It was very impersonal. The fireplace remained unlit, and the sharp black furniture wasn't exactly cosy. The rest of the room was a mixture of harsh greys, none of it too welcoming. 

The only clue that someone lived there was the things on top of the dresser against the wall. Addie peered closer, there were seven photos of it. 

A smiling couple and a baby were on one, Addie recognised her mother and father and guessed the baby was Harlan. 

The second photo was both sets of twins when they were very young, Addie and James were tucked into Thomas and Riley's arms. The next was Harlan, Joe and Harry, their arms around each other grinning, probably between thirteen and seventeen years old. Addie couldn't believe how much he was smiling. 

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