Chapter 37 : Final Farewell

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The peroxide that was dabbed on her cuts didn't even make Addie wince. 

She was sat in her brother's medical office, an oxygen mask on her face and an IV cannula in her arm. She was so dehydrated that each drop of fluid made her feel like she was on crack and was craving more. 

The doctor had tried talking to her, but gave up when she ignored him and just stared out the window. 

Addie sighed when he eventually left him in peace. 

The window was slightly open allowing the fresh smell of nature in, Addie crossed the room, firmly shutting it. She had had enough of nature in the last few days. 

"Hey Addie" Harry sat down on the other side as Addie continued to look at the window, staring at his faint reflection in the polished glass. 

"Did you know Joe was dead. Before I got here." She heard him awkwardly clear his throat, shuffling in his seat. 


"Good" Addie was numb to the pain the question had caused her brother. It was almost psychotic the way her voice was so calm about it. 

"Harlan thought you would have some questions. He told me to answer them as best as I could." He started. "He also has some questions for you"

"What is this? An interview?"

"No, no" He rushed out. 


"Do you know what job Harlan does. What our father did?" He asked tentatively. 


"Do you want to know?"

"Is it what killed our brother" 


"If it killed Joe, then I don't wanna know" She told him, tracing her foggy breath on the glass. 

The desire to uncover her brothers secrets had been put out by the deep pain of grief she didn't realise she was clutching onto. 

"Harlan wants to know." He stopped to take a shaky breath, daring himself on. "What happened to Joe" 

"If Harlan has questions, then Harlan can ask me his questions" She snapped at him. "I need the toilet."

She slammed the door shut, leaning her forehead against it. 

"No Addie, don't cry" She told herself. 

After waiting for a few moments she flushed the empty toilet and opened the door, annoyed to still see Harry sitting there. 

"That was a hint for you to leave" 

"Do you have any questions?" He asked, leaning onto his knees. 


Sighing he stood up, walking to the door. Just as he laid a hand on it Addie stopped him. 

"Wait. I have one question" That caught his attention. "Who's our other sister?"

Harry's face hardened and he stammered before slammed the door on his way out, ignoring the question that was now frozen in the air. 

"You asked me if I had a bloody question" She muttered to herself, lying back down on the bed. 


Addie stood in her underwear and stared at the dress on her bed. It was simple. Black with a white collar. 

But it made it feel more real, that after today, she would never see him again. 

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