Chapter 27 : Panic

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Dinner was a quiet affair that night after James arrived home from the ER, none of the older three joining them for dinner. When Harlan momentarily walked in Addie stiffened in her seat, almost choking on the pasta in her mouth. 

Although he said she was fine she was always wary of his cold demeanour when annoyed. Elijah slapped her on the back as Harlan spared her half a glance. 

"Careful" He said before leaving. 

"Ow Lijah, don't hit me so hard" Addie whined, tears springing to her eyes as he walloped her on the back. 

"I don't want you to choke." 

"Crybaby" Thomas muttered from across the table, shoving food in his mouth. 

"Shut up idiot" Addie bit back, her face flushing red at his words. She wasn't a crybaby, Elijah just hits hard. 

"You're just mad that Harlan's annoyed at you" He smirked at her, successfully riling her up. 

Addie shot him a foul look before kicking his shin hard under the table.

"Fuck" He said, pushing his chair back from the table. "What was that for you little brat?" 

Addie darted around the table as Thomas moved around to grab her. She ran as fast as she could in a circle, not wanting to be caught. 

Her body almost fell to the floor when she crashed into a hard body, but her arm was grabbed just in time. 

"What is going on?" Joe asked angrily. Addie gripped his shirt and stood behind him, creating a buff barricade between her and Thomas. "Thomas stop being mean to your sister" He old him tiredly, rubbing a hand down his face. 

"What? She started it." He shouted in disbelief. 

"Go to your room. NOW" Addie flinched at his raised voice as Thomas stormed out, something Joe didn't miss. She saw Thomas shove his shoulder into Harry who was just entering as he left. 

"He's just stressed baby, don't take it to heart." He said looking down at Addie. 

"He's stressed. He's not the one who could die tomorrow" She muttered. She knew they heard her from the way his body stiffened. She knew she shouldn't be such a brat, but the stress of everything going on around her was really getting to her, and the person she took it out on was her brother, even though she knew it was wrong. 

"Come on, finish you're dinner." He coached, nudging her towards the table.

"Not hungry."


"No. And I'm not a dog" She bit at him. 

"Adeline, I won't ask again." Ooh, the big guns, her full name. 

"Or what?" She knew she was treading on dangerous waters but she was bored, annoyed and tired. She knew she'd got him when he didn't reply. She looked him dead in the eye and raised her eyebrows. 

Her brothers at the table had stopped eating and she could feel all their eyes on her. 

She almost yelped when her body was propelled forward fast and into her vacated seat. Harry had walked around the table and pushed her down. She felt him spin the chair around and push it under the table. Addie pushed the food in front of her away, not caring how much of a holy terror she was being. 

"Eat" He commanded, pulling it back. 

"No" Addie quickly slid down the chair and under the table, hiding between her brother's legs. She felt Harry's arm trying to grab her so darted out from under the table on her other side. 

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