Chapter 5 : Missing presumed dead

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Joseph was watching a football match with his brother's on the television when he felt the familiar buzz and ring of the phone in his pocket. He pulled it out to see the name 'Harlan' scrawled upon the screen.

"Hi Harl" he said into the phone, unaware of what his brother wanted.

"Are you with the boys?" There was no element of happiness or joking in Harlan's voice which immediately put Joseph on edge.

He immediately stood up from the sofa and left to another room in their large lake house.

"No, what's wrong?"

"I want you to come home."

"What? What's wrong?" He could hear no emotion in his brother's voice and wondered what could be changing their plans.

"I've got her" Was all he said, a frown worked it's way onto Joseph's forehead as I tried to decipher what his brother was saying.

"What?" Joe was beyond confused, what was he going on about.

"A little girl is asleep upstairs. I have Adeline, your little sister is home Joe"

"What" he croaked down the phone in disbelief, he could say nothing. He was in utter shock, after 11 years his baby sister was finally home and safe in their home.

"She's home. How long till you can leave?"

"I'll make it 15 minutes. You're not kidding Harl?"

"No" as soon as Harlan said that he hung up the phone leaving Jospeh silent on the other end, his brother always was blunt but could he not give a better explanation. Joe wiped a strained hand over his face, pent up worry draining away after eleven years, replaced by hope.

He walked into the other room where his five younger brother's were lying in various state's pf undress, gouging on chips and candy. He watched them for a moment, deciding how to best tell them about the situation and deal with their reactions.

"We're going back home" Ten individual eyes stared at him.

"Why?" James groaned from the floor where he was slumped against a blanket.

"What the fuck, we have only been here for two days. Harlan needs to make up his goddamn fucking mind." Thomas responded, not caring to ask the reason.

"Cut the attitude Thomas" Harrison snapped, tired of his brother's frequent outbursts. Joe sighed inside over how overdramatic he was, always had been, always will be.

Thomas in return just let out a load groan, jutting his jaw out like he always did when he was annoyed.

"Why do we have to go home? He forced us to drive 8 hours and now we have to go home?" Elijah spat at his older brother.

"We just do" Joe turned to look at his youngest brother, James, who had gone back to watching the TV. There was no way he could tell him that his twin sister was home, not when they had an eight hour drive ahead of them, that would be cruel. It would be eight hours spent in agony for him, besides they would probably arrive home at six in the morning, she wouldn't even be awake.

"Harry." With a cock of his head, he and his brother left the younger ones alone in the living room and went somewhere quiet.

"Harlan needs us home, well... um..." he trailed off, not quite sure what to say to him.


"Harlans got Adeline. Thats why he sen-" Joe began to whisper, unsure if his other brothers were listening. Harry stopped listening to his brother the second he mentioned Adeline and instead just dragged a hand down his face, much like his brother did.

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