Chapter 3 : Revelations

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For what felt like the millionth time in the twenty four hours Maddie had been in this house, she was startled awake. This time, however, it was not Adam's happy curly head that awoke her, but that of the cold woman Maddie had grown too despise in the short time. 

The golden sun was once again streaming the room in a soft gold, the falling autumn leaves outs leaving shadows on the floors and walls as they fluttered past the bright window. The only dull thing in the room was the shrouded figure in the doorway. 

"Up. It's seven o'clock in the morning, you have had adequate time to sleep." Eva Rice was stood menacingly in the doorway. Her appearance hadn't changed much, she still had the same tight bun that stretched her facial features and a matching suit that was very dreary. 

She deposited a pile of clothes on the desk before leaving Maddie in silence. Maddie pulled her tired body out of bed, wanting to sleep for at least two more hours. Hopping into the shower she turned the heat up, allowing a thick steam to fill the bathroom, she lathered her hair in soap, finally able to get it squeaky clean. 

A subconscious finger traced the longs scars that fragmented and disrupted her smooth pale skin, a shiver ran over her skin before Maddie turned the shower off and climbed out. Eva had left Maddie a pair of jeans that looked ten sizes too big and a clean jumper that presumably used to belonged to Adam from the name that was scrawled in the tag. 

The jumper was too big, the sleeves passed her fingers and the shoulders hung from her in a precarious way. The jeans were even worse, she couldn't walk more than two steps without almost falling over, the waistband was also too big and kept sliding down her waist. 

Maddie became aware of Adam's presence when she heard a snicker behind her, he had clearly been watching her attempt to walk around. 

"What are you wearing?" he said, barely able to contain his laughter. 

"I have no clue" 

"They were mine, like eight years ago. Just put your own clothes back on, 'least they fit" 

Maddie had no time to do anything before the over-bearing women yelled at them from the bottom of the stairs. She quickly rolled up the legs of the jeans before trailing behind Adam down the stairs. 

Eva stood at the bottom of the stairs with a frown on her face, Maddie wasn't sure if she ever took it off or if it was a permanent feature. 

"Go change"


"Go and change, you look ridiculous." 

"You told me to wear this" Maddie asked incredulously. 

"I expected a twelve year-old to at least fit clothes for a ten year old." she sneered. "Go change" She raised her hand threateningly and Maddie decided to just ignore her, 

"Rude" Maddie muttered as she stormed back up the stairs. She re-appeared less then five minutes later in her own clothes feeling much more comfortable. 

"Harlan doesn't care what I wear!" Adam admonished the woman, Maddie wondered if all this women ever focused on was clothes and what they looked like. 

"I told you to put on a shirt and tie."

"I have a fucking v-neck jumper on, that's all your getting." 

Maddie wasn't at all surprised when she forcefully grabbed his face like a baby, just as she had the day before, squeezing it hard. Whipping his neck round she leant dangerously close to his ear. Maddie couldn't make out what she said, their conversation far to quiet. Her right hand raised far above her head, ready to swing it down. 

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