Chapter 22 : Little boy

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"Nor little boys" Harry fumed, snatching it off of Thomas, holding it instead.

"It's fine, Harry." Thomas scowled, reaching for whatever he was holding. Harry held it out of his reach. "Don't be such an ass"

"Goddammit Thomas, he's a little boy. You don't give twelve year olds a knife for Christmas." Addie's looked shocked at the thought that Thomas gave James a knife, she hadn't been able to see properly what it was. 

"Its a pocket knife, I haven't given him a switchblade. Me and Riley got our first pocket knives at twelve, so why can't he?" He questioned, annoyance clear on his face.

"And look what happened, you threatened a kid at school with it, you told them you would stab their cat." He discredited. 

"You threatened someones cat?" Addie asked as if it was the worst thing she had ever heard, horror on her face. 

"No I didn't, he took it out of proportion" Thomas said, sparing her a glance before turning to Harlan, clearly asking for his finalising input. 

Harlan sighed looking at James' eager face.

"It is not to leave this house James. If I find you have taken it to school or anywhere else I will ground you for a month." Harlan threatened, James nodded before looking eagerly to Harry. 

"I'll give it back when your brother teaches you how to use it properly" He gave a pointed look at Thomas, who in response ruffled James hair, smiling at him. She smiled, a rare show if affection from Thomas.

Addie could still feel the tension in the room, so crouched down at the tree, grabbing a present and sitting next to Harry. 

She leant on his arm as she handed it to him. The paper fell off to reveal a selection of mens aftershaves. 

"Lijah took me to the shops, to pick it out" She informed him. 

"Thanks poppet" He placed a kiss on her head. 

Addie moved away from Harry and sat down next to Joe who had manoeuvred his long legs into a criss-cross shape. The gift she gave him was square and a few cm thick. 

Addie had noticed the record player in his room the last time she was in there, along with a large stack of records neatly arranged. When he was out she had snuck into his room to look at them, noting which ones he had so she could get him some new ones. 

"Thanks baby" He pulled her into his lap to give her a tight hug. 

Addie opened the another present from Joe. She smiled widely when she saw it. She cracked the small jewellery box open to reveal a small golden band - a ring. The outside had tiny intricate leaves engraved in it. 

The inside had some words inscribed. 

"Aliquot homines tanti enim mori." She traced her finger over the tiny words.

"What does it mean?" She asked leaning back against his chest. 

"I'll tell you one day." He said, kissing the crown of her head. 

"I love it. Thanks Joey" She tilted her head up and pecked him on his stubbled chin as his chest grumbled with a slight laugh. 

She slipped it onto her finger, admiring the way it shone in the light. 

"Ads, come here" Riley called, he and James had gone around the other side of the tree. Addie knew what it was for and bounded over to them. 

The twins watched as Riley heaved the large box off the ground. He staggered round the side of the tree, placing it rather delicately at Harlan's feet. Harlan put aside the pen he unwrapped as he looked up at the three. 

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