Chapter 2 : Godfather

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Maddie jumped as the door slammed shut behind her. 

The cold women turned on her heel and opened another door, this one leading into a bathroom. Maddie followed the women as she becomed for her, she reached under the sink and pulled out a white washcloth. 

Maddie began to struggle slightly as the women pulled her jumper off of her followed by her top, shorts and socks, leaving her in just a vest and underwear. Her skin was rubbed raw as the women furiously scrubbed at the wet muddy flesh, desperate to get it pink. 

"Stop squirming child" 

"I can do it myself" Her protests were ignored as she continued to scrub her arms. 

"Besides I need to make sure you have no weapons on you"

"I don't" Again she was ignored, once the women was satisfied with how coarse Maddie's skin had become she dragged her back into the bedroom and pushed her towards the bed. 

"Go to sleep, I will collect you in the morning. Do not leave this room under any circumstances." Before Maddie could even respond she had left the room, a distinct sound of a key turning in a lock was heard and Maddie sunk down onto the mattress. 

Maddie curled into the corner of the bed, it was so quiet. All she could hear was the pattering of the rain on the pained window, it had been years since she had slept in her own room and the absence of childish snores and whimpers was very discomforting to Maddie. 

She eventually drifted off to sleep, not before she allowed a few solitary tears to slide down her face. She knew she should be happy, she finally had a bed to sleep in after sleeping on the streets for over a week, but her uncle wasn't here. 

She had been hoping with all her might that he would be here, to give her a hug and say he missed her. 

But he wasn't. 


Maddie was awake rather suddenly, the women had returned, shaking her sharply awake by her shoulders. The morning sun had risen allowing a honey coloured glow to enter the room, basking Maddie in sunlight through the opened curtains. 

"Up" All Maddie could think about was how rude this woman was, could she not be even the slightest bit friendlier. She passed back Maddie's clothes which had seemingly been washed, a sweet smell of washing liquid and a soft clean feel confirmed it. 

Maddie had never used the expensive liquids, the one that make clothes feel soft, she was used to the cheap stuff that made clothes itch. She rather rapidly pulled her shorts and t-shirt on, aware that she was standing half-naked in front of the stranger. 

The second Maddie was downstairs she noticed the new face, a greying doctor sat perched at the kitchen table, with a large leather bag beside him. Maddie was propelled into the seat, confused at his presence. 

Immediately the man began to rummage in his bag, pulling out a few vials and swabs. Maddie stifled a yawn, it was after all only eight in the morning and she only fell asleep at half past three. 

"Open up" The doctor had a swab ready to test the inside of Maddie's mouth and was holding it towards her. 


"I just need to take some of your cheek lining" He answered evasively.

"For DNA?" The doctor shot her a look, not fully agreeing or disagreeing. 

"No way" Immediately she clamped her mouth shut, not allowing the man to put his swab inside her mouth. Instead he reached out and plucked a few strands of hair from her head, putting those in separate vials. 

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