Chapter 6 : Little dove

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Harlan looked at all his brothers who had piled into their large entranced room. James looked like an excited puppy dog whereas Thomas looked mad at the world. 

"Did you stop and have breakfast James?" Harlan asked his youngest brother.

"No, but I had a chocolate bar and a milksha-" He was cut off when Harlan sent a glare at the oldest brothers.

"James, you know you'll get sick if you don't eat enough" he sent a pointed look at the boy,

"Harly when can I see Addie. I can't wait I a-"

"Go to the downstairs kitchen, get one of the cooks to make you a large breakfast, then you can have a shower, you smell." Harlan replied, completely ignoring the nickname his brother called him, if any of the others called him that, then, well...

"But I want t-"

"James, kitchen" he cut him off. Knowing better than to argue, James dumped his bag and headed to the kitchen mumbling that he wanted to see his sister immediately. 

Harlan and Jospeh seemed to be sharing their secret older brother looks, Harlan was looking at the slightly red discolouration of Thomas' cheek on one side, he knew Jospeh must have slapped him from the way he stood.

"Thomas" Harlan motioned with his head for him to follow. He looked at the rest of his brothers stood expectantly in the hallway. "Go and get some food, don't go upstairs." The rest of his brothers looked disgruntled at the new's that they too had to wait to see their sister. 

Harlan walked to his office with a pouty Thomas behind him. He entered his office and turned to face his little brother.

"So, what's wrong with you then?"

"Nothing" Thomas was refusing to look at him, instead picking at the bottom of his black t-shirt.

"Why did Jospeh have to handle you then?"

"How'd you know that? I bet he snitched, bitch" He sneered, Harlan's blood boiled at the disrespect he gave his older brother.

"I'd watch that mouth of yours little man, before I wash it out with soap." Harlan never outwardly expressed his anger, he just had a way of looking at you. He was going easy on his brother, knowing full well why he was in trouble.

"How'd they keep her for 10 years?" he whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"I don't know Tommy, she was in a kids home in England. Seems Uncle George went over there and told her to go to one of our houses over there if anything went wrong." Harlan was secretly mad at his uncle, how could he have known something like this and not shared it with him, he was the boss. How the fuck did he even find her?

"Oh" he said nothing else, knowing he would cry if he did. And Thomas didn't cry. "I'm so fukcing angry Harl"

"I know. I'm furious too. But she can't know Tommy, she's a scared kid, okay?"

"You sure it's her?"


"Kay" his shoulders slumped in the most vulnerable position Harlan had seen him in in the last few years.


It was close to seven when Addie became aware of Harlan opening her door, allowing a shiner of light to fall on her sleepy form in the bed. Harlan said he wanted her to sleep longer, but his, her, brother's wouldn't allow it. 

Addie was rather embarrassed at how he found her, she was snuggled deep in her covers, with her finger's latched around her nose and her left hand clutching her stuffed rabbit tight to her chest. 

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