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"James, Adeline, hang on a moment" A voice called out from down the hall. 

Addie and James, now four months older, spun around, their eldest brother walking towards them. 

As always he was dressed to the dozen but something was different. A slight edge was hovering around him. But Addie was unable to place it. 

"Have fun. Heres some money" He handed them a credit card. 

"Harlan, we already have money" James said trying to push it back. 

"Come here" He pulled James into a hug, kissing his forehead, a slight tug spreading on his lips as James tried to tug away. 

With the other hand he pulled Addie close to him, almost smothering her in his crisp shirt. She felt his lips being placed gently on the crown of her head. 

Addie frowned, she couldn't remember the last time he had been so touchy lovey. 

He pulled away leaning down to the twins. 

"I love you. I love you both" He said sincerely. 

"We know" James said pulling away. "Why are you telling us?"

"Never forget okay"

"Okay" Addie replied. 

"Harlannn, we gottaaa go" James whined, tugging Addie's arm. 

"Have fun" He said, ruffling Addie's hair as they rushed down the stairs, not faltering for a second. 

She looked up at him just before James opened the door. He was still stood at the top of the stairs with his hands in his pocket, staring at them, but it was like his eyes went right through them. 


"Hi Gracie" James called as the now thirteen year old bounded into the car, sunglasses atop her head. Isaac and David were already strapped in the car. 

The sun was now out properly as it was mid-June, bathing the world in a warm glow. 

The five of them were headed to the mall, fuelled by school ending. Security of course trailing them. 

"James stoppp" Gracie whined. She was trying to get away from him as he tried to stick his finger in her ear which he had just licked. 


A crashing boom filled the sky, smoke billowed into the sky, creating a heavy blanket of soot. Flames mockingly danced in the distance. 

Addie pulled herself to the floor, covering her head with her completely clammy hands. 

It was here, it was happening. 

"Addie, Addie, look at me." James gripped the sides of her face, pulling it up to his. 

"You're safe. It's far away. Nothing to do with us" He comforted. 

For a moment she saw him. His face was different. Joe stared back at her, blood in his lifeless eyes, but then he flickered, and then he was gone. And James was there. 

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm here" James wrapped his arms around her shaking shoulders as they sat on the floor of the car. 

The other three sat silently. James had told them what had happened, but not the details, and to see Addie so shaken was scaring them slightly. 

No one said anything when the car turned around, heading home. 

"C'mon Ads" James said, clutching her hand. They had already dropped the other three back at Gracie's house. 

The front drive was quiet, the usual bodyguards where nowhere in sight. It was eerily silent. 

Addie pushed open the front door, James right on her tail. She heard the TV on somewhere and she followed the noise to the kitchen. 

Harry, Elijah and the twins were gathered around the island, staring at the tv. The news was being relayed, images of the smoke from the car flittered across it. 

Riley turned around to face them, his eyes ringed red. 

"Harry? What's going on?" James asked. But Harry couldn't even look at them. 

Addie knew, she just knew. 

Thomas stepped closer to them. 

Addie shut her eyes. 

"He's dead" He said. "Harlans dead"

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