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"AHHHHHHH" The women yelled, the contractions causing agonising pain. "NO, they can't come out. Its too early" She yelled

"Mrs Kingston" The doctor tried to calm her "We will do everything we can to save you and your babies" 

"You better" The husband snapped. His eyes were on his wife, smoothing her sweaty hair back, her usual blonde curls were knotted back in a messy bun. She was dressed in a hospital gown, her sweat soaking the thin fabric. 

"How are the boys?" 

"The boys are fine, they're with their nanny. Don't you worry about them" He clutched her hand, kissing the knuckles. 

"We're going to have to do a Caesarian" The doctor announced, nurses and other doctors running in to rush the woman to the OR.

"No, they need to stay in there" She cried. 

"Ev, we need to do this" 

Evelyn held her husbands hand, clenching it at each bout of pain. 

It was a whirlwind, doctors were calling to each other in a fluster as she was cut open. William Kingston couldn't look past the sheet that was hung up, he didn't want to see his wife's organs on the table. 

The first baby was pulled out of her womb. 

"You have a beautiful little boy" The babies cries filled the room, Evelyn sighing in relief at the babies cries. 

She saw him for a moment before he was rushed away in an incubator. 

The doctor turned back to Evelyn, trying to get the other baby out. 

"And a beautiful little girl"

She didn't see that one. No cries were heard, immediately doctors swarmed the baby, making sure she was okay. 

"My baby. Is she okay?" She desperately called, trying to push her body off the bed with her thin arms, this pregnancy had drained her. 

"Ev, lie down, don't move" William calmed her, staring at the door the baby had been transported out. 

"I can't loose another daughter. Go with her. Please Willy" She pleaded. 

Her husband hesitated, not wanting to leave the love of his life in her emotional state but also wanting to be with his only daughter. 

"Please" Her begging made him go, following after the tiny baby in the incubator. 


"She's so cute" The little boy stood with his face pressed against the plastic incubator. 

The 6 oldest Kingston brothers were gathered around the incubators of their newborn little brother and sister. 

"You need to be quiet boys, she's sleeping" William said, holding his now third youngest child, Riley, on his hip. 

"Why's she so small daddy?" 4 year old Thomas asked. 

One of his brothers had clearly dressed him, his shirt was on back to front and his shoes didn't even match, they had obviously been in a hurry to get to the hospital. But still, his blonde curls framed his angelic face, looking like a baby angel. 

"She was born early" 10 year old Harry said, peering at his new sister. 

"When can we hold her?" Elijah asked wistfully, wanting so much to touch her small feet. "Can I show her my train sets?"

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