Chapter 8 - Family Crest

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The following day was a Thursday and since everyone was on school holiday, all of her brothers were home. James delighted her with a tour of the extensive house followed by the expansive grounds. 

He led her through the thirty-five acres of land they owned on this site, the sprawling forest on the edge and the splattering of small garden areas around. It even had a lake and a pool. But what really grabbed Addie's attention was the horses they owned. 

They were situated in a large paddock with a huge stable behind it. They owned five horses, apparently James, Elijah and Harrison loved horses. Something they picked up on from their mother. 

James led Addie to a soft grey horse on the other side of the fence, they both clambered onto the middle rung of the fence to see her. The horse neighed softly as Addie ran her hand through her silky mane. 

"This is willow" Addie could feel the warmth of its skin under the horses' hair. "I'll teach you to ride her, she's real gentle."


Addie watched as James pulled his phone out, checking his notification's. They were walking back towards the house having spent well over an hour walking around the gardens. 

"Harlan want's to see you" Addie wasn't surprised. She had been here for five days already, she presumed he was going to speak to her about school. She also needed to ask him about her medication, she was beginning to run low on stock. 

Addie was slowly becoming more comfortable with some of her brothers, notably James and Harrison. 

Harrison doted over Addie. He was constantly checking up on her and embracing her body in his strong arms, she would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying his affection after being starved of it for years. 

James was her twin, she assumed most twins had a special connection wether identical or fraternal. They had shared their mother's womb after all. James clung to Addie's side and stayed with her most of the day until she went to bed, even then checking in on her every few hours to make sure she hadn't disappeared from her bed. Last night had been a scare, Addie had woken up at two in the morning to use the toilet, just as James came to check on her. He almost passed out at the sight of the empty bed. Addie thought it was a comfort thing, to know she was in the house and not lost somewhere. 

She was slowly warning to Elijah as well, he was teaching her his favourite American video games and attempting to teach her to skateboard. She also enjoyed the American customs he was showing her, particularly football (which Addie insister should NOT be called football). Riley was nice too, he kept making jokes and trying to make her laugh. 

Thomas was still very cold towards her, she learnt rather quickly to stay out of his way and otherwise ignore him. It was only yesterday that she almost died from the murderous glare he sent her after walking into her. She was still baffled by his brooding looks and the perplexed glares she was constantly receiving from him. 

She didn't see Joseph very much, he was pleasant enough and welcomed her most mornings whilst making casual conversation. 

Adeline had barely seen Harlan at all, since she met her brothers five days ago she had only seen him once and even that was only a quick nod and hello as he left the house as she was walking down the staircase for lunch. 

She was still in awe of this house, still not quite over the luxuries it had. Addie's favourite was a corridor she found two days ago. She had taken too exploring the house in all the places she was allowed. 

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