Chapter 34 : Finding hope

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A/N: Pre-warning, this is probably the worst chapter I've written, I had no idea what to say. Sorry :)

Harlan stood at the window of his office, staring out at the gently lit grass that sprawled from the house. 

What had he done? 

His shoulders were tense under his jacket, his usual calm expression had disappeared. 

He hadn't heard from any of his siblings in 2 days. 2 days too many.

Although none of them had electronics in the car due to the ability for my rival's to hack technology, there was a satellite phone connected to the car. They should have been able to make contact through that. 

Harry and Thomas were supposed to be headed for their headquarters in LA. They should have been there yesterday, but there was still no word from them. 

Joe and Addie were meeting at their Safe House in Montana, still no word. 

It was Riley, Elijah and James he was the most worried about. Elijah, at 17, thought he knew the word, but he was still a teenage kid who couldn't fully understand rivals, mafias and the process' within. They were supposed to meet Joe and Addie in Montana. 

Harlan paced, wearing a hole into the carpet. He was about to snap when someone opened the door, but he sighed when he realised it was just Oliver, his right hand man. 

"Sir, Thomas and Harrison have made contact, they are safely in the headquarters." He informed Harlan. 

"Patch him through" He ordered, picking up his phone. 

"Harlan?" A tired voice on the end asked. 

"Harrison, are you and Thomas safe?" 

"Yeh. We had a bit of trouble, it seemed they were diverting all signals from the car to their comms." He told his brother. "Thomas figured it out after we were followed for the 3rd time, managed to hack out their main-frame. Smart kid" 

'Thank god' Harlan thought, running a hand through his unwashed hair. 

"Have you spoken to the others?" 

"No, you're the first." He prayed he wasn't the last. 

"But the others should have arrived yesterday"

"Listen Harry, I need you to fly back in the chopper, get here immediately" He ordered. When Harry didn't make a complaint he assumed he agreed. "Put me over to Thomas"

"Thomas, I heard about your little hacking adventure" Harlan praised the boy, glad he was putting his brain to some use. 

"Have you spoken to Riley?" Concern edged his way through his voice, not even noticing the rare compliment Harlan gave. 

"Not yet. I'm sure I will soon"

"Fuck" Thomas seethed. "I should have listened to Addie, we shouldn't have split up"

"Hey hey hey, you did the right thing" Harlan told him once he heard a smashing noise down the line. 

"Tell me if you hear anything" He demanded. Thomas hung up the phone, leaving Harlan holding the dial tone on the other end. 

"Fuck" He shouted, crushing the glass paperweight under his fist. He was numb, his body not recognising the shards of glass embedded in his fists. 

They were his responsibility, and he had failed. 


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