Chapter 30 : Runaway

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Addie couldn't help but laugh when Joe showed up at her room, Thomas in tow. Wrapped around his leg was a black cast, extending from his foot to above his knee cap, a scowl on his face. 

He hobbled along behind his brother on crutches, clearly not used to them as he stumbled along, almost crashing into the wall. 

"What did you do?" Addie asked with fake concern. She could only imagine. 

"I got attacked" He told her. 

"No you didn't." Joe corrected, rolling his eyes. "He made an ice patch on the grass to try and trip James. He ended up slipping over it himself and breaking his leg." He received a murderous glare from Thomas in the corner. 

"Why did no one tell me?" She asked, snickering to herself. 

"Because he only just got it casted" Joe said, tapping his brothers leg who yanked it away. 

"You're such an idiot" 

"Is this how it feels to be crippled?" He asked with a smirk, clearly retaliating to her comment. 

"Haha. So funny" 

"Come on children, break it up" That didn't go down well either, Thomas stood up and marched out the door. 

Well, he hobbled with an irritated limp. 

"Do you want a wheelchair?" She called out the door after him. 


"Ahhhhh" Addie sighed, leaning backwards on her chair. The yellow lights were on in the room, much more calming than the bright white hospital lights she had grown accustomed to in the last 16 days. 

She was so glad to be home. Realistically she probably could have left the hospital 3 or 4 days earlier, but Harlan had a stick up his ass and refused, much to Addie's annoyance. 

"Addie, what do you want?" Joe asked, peering at her over the table. As a special treat they were having a takeaway for dinner. 

"Just a cheese please" Her mouth watered at the thought, it had been ages since she had last had a pizza. 

She took a huge bite out of the greasy cheese pizza, almost moaning in delight.

"That good huh?" Elijah asked with a grin, a thick slice of ham and pineapple pizza hanging from his hand. 


"Hey Joe, when can I go back to school?" She was eager to see all of her friends again, having not seen them properly since before Christmas and it was now almost February! 

"Addie, you literally had major surgery 2 weeks ago, you need to slow it down a notch." 

"I'll just ask Harlan then" She muttered, knowing they would all hear her. 

Harlan was a bit of a sore subject between them all, Addie personally hadn't seen him since her brother was almost shot. James had told her he hadn't either, but she wasn't so sure about the other three. 

After he caught her eavesdropping, he silently put her to bed like a 3 year old and left, he hadn't been out of his office since. 

"Harlan is busy, you will not interrupt him with childish questions you don't know the answer too" Addie glared at him once he looked away. Asking about school wasn't childish. 

She continued to glare at him whilst she took an angry bite of her pizza. 

"You know you look adorable when you're angry" Elijah whispered in her ear. 

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