Chapter 4 : Fit for a princess

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Addie watched Adam across the table as she ate lunch. Harlan had disappeared off somewhere after he spoke with Adam. 

Adam insisted to Addie that he knew all along who she was but Addie wasn't entirely convinced. 

"Have you met the others?"

"Ya brother's?" His mouth is full of food, some of it about to spray out to which Addie upturned her none. 

"Hmm" She hums, eager to learn more about them.

"Elijah's cool. We play footy together."  He was still stuffing food in his mouth, breathing in between his words. "Thomas and Riley are twins, Ri-"

"I think Riley's going to be my favourite, the only girl among annoying boys. Does she like h-. What?" Maddie was cut off by Adam almost choking on his food. "Are you alright?"

"Harl's kicked out Eva Rice" His voice was full of disgust but delight at the same time. "I think her trying to hit you pushed him over the edge." Both of them snickered into their bowls, they had seen her walking down the driveway hours earlier, bag in hand and hair frazzled. Unlike her previous self. 

"Who you getting instead?" 

"My old nanny's coming back, Lynn. I don't need her but I still love her like a mother. Harlan will probably just hire a cleaner." Maddie could see the way he looked happier when he mentioned he was coming back. It must be pretty miserable, living as an only child with a women who doesn't like you. 

An hour passed as the pair sat at the table, Harlan reappeared and announced they were leaving. A hint of sadness flashed across Adam's face as he realised they were leaving so soon. Harlan seemed to have noticed. 

"The invite's always open, Adam." Adam looked appreciably at Harlan with a hint of a smile on his lips. 

"I'm good, besides Lynn's coming back." Harlan ruffled his hair quickly before walking to the door, 

"Adeline" he held the door open, motioning for her to exit. Addie looked up at Adam, blue that she would be leaving him so soon, but exited to meet her family. 

Much like with Harlan, Addie wrapped her arms around Adam. Unlike Harlan, he returned her hug graciously. 

"I'll see you soon, okay?"

"M'kay" Addie waved slightly to Adam as she walked out the house, towards a new home and a new family. 


Addie had never seen a fancier plane. In fact she couldn't remember ever seeing a plane in real life. This wasn't one of the plane's that people hop on to go to Majorca or France, this was one for the elite. 

The inside was spacious, with posh leather seats and turtleshell edgings. It even had a bedroom! As soon as Addie sunk into one of the seats she knew she was in heaven, looking out the window at the clouds below as well as sitting in the soft seat made her feel like she was floating. 

And then she vomited. Luckily in the bathroom.

Addie decided she didn't much like flying, rejecting all the offers of food and the likes offered to her by a steward. Instead she attempted to fall asleep, something made rather difficult by the turmoil in her stomach. 

Eventually her head lolled onto her neck, sending her to sleep whilst gliding though clouds, both in her head and in real life. 


Addie awoke over five hours later, her body clearly exhausted  from the emotional turmoil from the last few days. She spotted Harlan a few seats away, nearer the front. He had a pile of papers stacked on his knee, swiftly writing things down. 

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