Chapter 17 : Crashing realities

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Thomas was fast asleep, he was strewn in his bedclothes in just a pair of shorts. He became aware of his door opening and pried his eyes open, unaware of the scene.

He made out a small figure edging across the floor with its hand to its head heaving. Thomas leaped from the bed, almost tripping over the blankets he was entangled in. He bounded next to his sister and almost threw himself onto the floor.

"Addie. Whats wrong? Talk to me Addie. SHIT" he cursed as he pulled his little sister onto her back to free her airway unsure if she was choking or not.

"HARLAN. HARLAAAN. HELP ME" he screamed his voice raw, the whole house must of heard him as he sat cradling his sister he had been horrible too.

When no-one replied in 0.5 of a second, Tom panicked and bundled her into his arms. Lifting her with ease he staggered into the hallway, shouting for help.

"Addie, its okay baby. Baby stay awake okay?". It all seemed to happen at once, doors swung open and her brothers swarmed into the hall like flies to a light. He dropped to his knees, glad his brothers were there to help, he placed the abnormally pale girl on the floor, as her brothers paid attention to her.

Harlan came jogging down the hall fully dressed, he hadn't been in his room, he was was still in the office talking to some important people when one of his men radioed saying his younger brother was clutching his sister, screaming in the hallway.

He grabbed the back of Jospeh's shirt and yanked him back "Call 911 NOW!"

He leant next to his sister and caressed her head. Addie's head dropped back and her muscles tightened as her body began to convulse beneath them, her mouth was foaming as her brothers watched helplessly.

"Addie hang on, we're getting help" The brothers remained in a frenzy until the paramedics arrived, Riley had gone down to meet them at the gate and led them to where Adeline was.

The 2 men instantly started an IV for Adeline and injected some medicine whilst pulling a oxygen mask over her face. ECG stickers were put on as well as blood pressure and saturation monitors.

"12 year old female, complex congenital heart disease, sh-" None of the brothers listened as the paramedics spoke to each other and frantically read off her chart, to busy staring at their little sister.

They loaded the girl onto a stretcher and hurriedly began to take her away. She looked so small, her tiny body took up less than half the stretched and the wires and tubes she was covered in didn't help. Harlan followed them as only one person was allowed in the ambulance.

As they watched the ambulance leave the brothers stood in silence, Thomas allowed one tear to escape his eye before bottling the rest, he didn't cry. He never cried. He swiped at his eyes with his knuckles in a hurry. He turned around and left his brothers to get dressed, intent on going to the hospital.

Harrison was hugging James who was openly crying, he was scared for Addie. Elijah and Riley stood stiff, occasionally dragging hands through their bed heads. 


By the time her brother's reached the hospital an hour later Addie was awake, she was feeling considerably better than two hours ago but still felt extremely rough. 

The doctors discovered her blood sugars had dropped dangerously low. Immediately she was given a glucagon injection as well as an infusion. Addie had been feeling worse for days but didn't think it would be anything so serious, more a few bad days that hunted the few good. 

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