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"Good morning class" Shouta grumpily greeted. "Good morning Sensei!" The class chorused.

"I reviewed yesterday's battle training. Ashido, don't treat this like it's a game. Todoroki, remember communication is important. Bakugo, don't rush into fights. Kirishima, don't try to punch through everything. Kaminari, try to use your brain and Uzumaki, don't be overconfident, you must always be prepared for the worse" the students mentioned nodded their heads in understanding except Bakugo who grunted.

"Now let's proceed with the class"

Izuku stared at the bowl of Katsudon Infront of him intensely, almost as if he was picking apart every fault he could find in it.

"Stop staring at your food so intensely and start eating or else it would get cold!" Yui scolded. Izuku took her advice and started eating, noticing it got colder.

"Mind if I sit here?" A familiar voice asked. Izuku turned his head and saw Momo holding a food tray. Yui nodded, excited to see a friend while Izuku remained indifferent.

Momo sat down and started eating, making small talk with Yui. "Is this seat occupied?" A cold voice asked. Izuku turned his head, this time to see Shoto.

Izuku shook his head "feel free to sit here". Shoto sat next Momo who blushed being this close to one of the "hot" guys in their class. Yui noticed this and grinned devilishly, not trying to hide her smirk from Momo who blushed further.

"You are strong" Shoto bluntly said. "I know" Izuku replied. Shoto stared at Izuku intensely "Yes?" Izuku asked. "What is your quirk?" Momo's head turned to the two, taking interest in the ongoing conversation between the two guys in their small group. Yui turned towards the conversation as well, curious to see what Izuku would tell the two.

"That is an interesting questions" he said. Shoto waited for an answer. And waited. And waited. An-.

"And?" Shoto asked. Izuku turned to Shoto with a blank stare and said "That's it". Shoto and Momo sweat dropped at the unfulfilling answer.
Before they could ask more questions, Yui changed the subject much to Izuku's relief.

"So... Why do you guys want to be heroes?" She asked. Momo answered first "my family's work is only business related and their quirks aren't suitable to be heroes either. I always admired heroes and I have been blessed with a great quirk as well. I guess I just wanted to be the first and, I hope not the last, hero from out family" she said.

Yui and Momo looked towards Shoto expecting an answer however, Shoto ignored them and continues eating his soba. Momo and Yui sweat dropped and looked towards Izuku expectantly.

Izuku was not going to say anything but the look from Yui that said "If you refuse to answer I will castrate you" made Izuku pale. However strong he may be he could never defy Yui.

"I-" as his luck would have it, Izuku was Interrupted from having to say anything further.

"Warning Level 3" a robotic voice repeated constantly. The older students started panicking and running to the exit.

Momo grabbed one student and held his arm to stop him. "What's going on? What's level 3?" She asked. "You are first years so you don't know. Level 3 means a villain broke in. You guys should run to" he said before running of.

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