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"What the fuck?! You shouldn't even be alive right now!" Katsuki shouted. A bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. Izuku merely send him a glance, treating him like a bug

"Don't you look down on me!" Katsuki charged at Izuku with his explosions, "Bakugo wait!" Shoto rushed at Izuku with his ice spreading around him

Izuku caught Katsuki's hand by the wrist with his left arm, locking his explosion for working. "W-What?" "Banshō Ten'in" Shoto shot towards Izuku's hand by an external force. Izuku clutched Shoto by his throat. "Ugh!" He groaned. "Hah!" Momo attacked Izuku from the sky with her bo-Staff in hand. Now's my chance, he's occupied, Ugh!

"Asura Path" an arm sprouted from
from Izuku's right shoulder, this arm however looked artificial, mechanical even. The hand gripped Momo's Bo-Staff and with it, threw her at Yui who caught her with her quirk

Izuku aimed the mechanical arm at Yui and Momo. "Asura attack" muzzles resembling missile launcher muzzles extended from Izuku's third arm. He fired a missile blast at Yui and Momo, the former of who quickly covered them with a shield of paper origami. As soon as the wall went down, smoke from a smoke bomb covered the area they were in

Izuku looked to his left and saw ice creeping up his shoulder. He quickly threw Shoto and Katsuki in the air and aimed an Asura Attack at them. Shoto quickly grabbed Katsuki and pushed him behind. Let's hope this works, Shoto thought. A dome of Ice, although looking structurally weak, surrounded the two boys protecting them from the blast to some degree

He managed to cool the air molecules rapidly, freezing them to some degree and protecting himself and Bakugo from the full force of the attack. Smart. Perhaps you will be a challenge, although, "why do you not use your left side?" Izuku questioned the bi-coloured boy. Said boy in question painfully stood up from the crater the two team mates created

"I will never use his left side!" He said sharply. "Such a Shame, you have potential but you desire not to reach it. Since you are not willing to give your all, I shall do the same" well, it's not like I was giving my all, it was hardly half of my power, he thought, thinking himself as a hypocrite

"Let's finish this up" he said walking towards the four teens. "I guess this was to be expected" Yui said. "Still, it does not make this any less painful" Momo chuckled. "You fought a brilliant fight. Momo Yaoyorozu, if it were not for your plan... You would have not gotten this close. Yui, if not for your co-ordination, I would not be this damaged. And Shoto Todoroki, you fought excellently and bravely, however, Shadows of your past haunt you and unless you accept yourself, you won't ever be free from your shackles" the three mentioned nodded, Yui smiled. Momo beamed in pride and joy at being praised by some one so powerful and Shoto dumbly, knowing he had to reflect on a lot of things

"And Bakugo" said male turned to Izuku in anticipation. "You.... " Izuku looked at the other three and started approaching them, "the hell! You ignoring me shitty Deku! You think I am a bug huh?! Listen here you little shit-" Suddenly Izuku sensed something

"Deva Path! Banshō Ten'in!" A paper clone was sent flying towards Izuku's hand who quickly clutched it tight, exploding the paper clone

"You lost" he said and tied all four of them once and for all

*Buzz* "Winner is the villain team. Please return to the observation room" Shouta's voice rang out from the drone

"Let's go" Izuku said

"Good job Hero team and villain team, Now can someone tell me who the MVP of this match was?" All Might questioned

Momo rose her had hand and when Shouta picked her, proceeded to say who the MVP was

"The MVP of this training exercise was Uzumaki, he fought against four opponents at once and still defeated them. My plan was dependent on luck. Yui and I failed to give suitable support. While the boys failed to co-ordinate with each other and rushed at head first into a fight"
She finished gaining a look of shock from All Might, one of pride from Shouta, acceptance from Yui and Shoto and disbelief from Katsuki

The first step to becoming a hero is admitting where you are at fault, Shouta thought

"Very Good Yao-" "I disagree" Izuku cut in. "What?" Momo recoiled. "For one, Yaoyorozu's plan was perfect against me. Her plan was well thought out and did not rely on luck whatsoever and if it were anyone else, they would've won. The reason it did not work is because I have a durable body and a lot of stamina. Yui and Yaoyorozu provided suitable support and Todoroki provided excellent fire power and managed to keep me busy and Bakugo... There fore I think the title of MVP goes to the hero team as a whole" he finished gaining looks of shock from All Might, Shoto and Momo, one of pride from Shouta, Amusement from Yui and Anger and disbelief from Katsuki

"What the fuck, you shitty Deku?! You ignoring me?! I will beat your fucking ass! Listen here you little Shit-"

"Very good Uzumaki, now let's move onto the next fights" Shouta said

It was the end of school and Izuku and Yui were exiting the school until Momo stopped them

"Uzumaki, did you really mean that? About that whole MVP thing?" She asked nervously. Before Izuku could say anything Yui spoke "what he said was true. He may be scary, terrifying even" *Tick* "and ugly" *Tick* "and have a pretty rotten personality" *Tick* "And he-" "I think that's enough" Izuku said, with his eye twitching in anger

"Ehm, he may be all of those things but he isn't a liar" she finished with a fond smile making Izuku smile to

"Thank You B-But.." "is something the matter?" Yui asked and Momo pointed at Izuku "he smiled, everyone thought he was a bully and ate children's candy" she said in shock. Yui tried stiffling her chuckles but ended up laughing when she imagined Izuku eating children's candy in front of them and laughing at them which wiping the smile of Izuku's face

"Haha! Izuku, you have quite the reputation!" She laughed. After a few minutes of Izuku trying to control his anger, Momo standing there awkwardly and Yui laughing her heart out did Yui finally stopped

"He may look mean but he is quite the softie" she jumped on Izuku from behind to prove it. "See" she said clutching in Izuku from behind. She was off the ground since Izuku was tall, her legs dangling a few inches from the ground

"I guess. Well thank you Uzumaki and Yui. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She waved good bye and left

In the end, Yui refused to let go of Izuku and Izuku ultimately ended up giving her a piggy back ride and Yui fell asleep shortly after

Izuku smiled when he saw her smiling

I swear I'll protect you Yui

"Mama, Mama wake up. The bad guys are gone. I can't find daddy and Mi-Chan is sleeping. Come on Mama wake up"


"Wake up please"

Word Count: 1240

I hoped you guys liked the Izuku X Yui moment and the fight scene. This was my first fight scene (or maybe it's the second) so I hope you like it

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Peace Out!

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