A Hero's strength

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Trigger warning! Lot of death and gore ahead!


~A hero's strength~

"Hey Hey! This wasn't in the script right?! This is a test right?!" Kaminari asked in fear, hoping it would just be a prank. "Kaminari!" Shouta yelled startling Kaminari and many others. The fear evident in his voice made the other students worried for their sake and their sensei's. "Contact U.A, Now! Thirteen protect the students!"

Shouta was about to rush into the battle to fight for his students' safety but he was stopped "Sensei! You can't fight all of those fuckers on your own! I'll help you!" Katsuki offered "I'll help as well" Shouto stepped up "Us too!" Yui and Momo said in unison.

Shouta looked at his students. The top four of the class not including Izuku. They were acting very brave, offering their help and not afraid of jumping into battle. But it was all an act- Shouta could tell. Momo and Yui were shaking and even the prideful Katsuki and the stoic Shouto were terrified of getting killed this early in their life as fledgling heroes.

I am sorry All Might since this is your thing but at the end of the day, I don't really care, and so Shouta turned and faced the class with a kind, genuine and soothing smile and with a soft voice said "Everything is all right now... And besides, you can't expect to be a hero if you are a one trick pony" Shouto turned and jumped into the battle. He leapt over the set of stairs and slammed his foot onto the face of a villain.

Using the villains face as a stepping stool, he jumped and landed on another villain. His capture weapon unwrapped and wrapped it self around a much bulkier villain as if it had a mind of its own. Shouta used the villain as a wreaking ball and beat several villains.

Another emitter type cannon fodder was preparing an attack. Shouta turned towards him and used his own quirk, effectively erasing his. He used his capture weapon to pull the villain to him. He grabbed hold of the same villain by his face and slammed him to the rock hard ground.

He looked around, de-activating his quirk to sooth his eyes. He was in the middle of the plaza- surrounded from all four of his sides.

The villains, while many were also mostly weak. They however were also gutsy and stupid. One rushed at him with a battle cry giving the others who hesitated the strength to charge forward as well.

Shouta readied his capture weapon in his hands and entered a combat stance as nearly 50 men rushed at him. A woman who had some sort of hair manipulation quirk rushed at him, her hair splitting into many strands and rushing at Shouta like a snake rushing to eat it's food.

Shouta dodged the attack. A mutant type, he vaulted over another villain that was about to attack him from behind and pushed him in front as a shield. The hair stabbed the man's body in multiple places. One stabbed the man in the heart. Shouta rushed at the woman with the dead man acting as his ballistic shield. He threw the man aside and grabbed the shocked woman by her neck.


He broke the woman's neck in one fluid motion, giving her a painless death. I don't like doing this but-, another rushed at him. He side stepped the attack and broke the man's hand. The man's arm instantly healed Regen type huh, he pulled out something from his utility belt and threw it at the man's forehead.


A throwing knife was stuck deep in the man's forehead. The knife pierced the brain, killing it's target quicker than the brain could regenerate.

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