Phase One

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~Phase One~

*Buzz* Izuku calmly opened his eyes at the sound of the horn going off, signalling the fight had begun.

Izuku had two goals here; One, Assess the strength of the top three first year hero course students after Izuku and Yui and Two, Establish his dominance as the strongest student of U.A.

He walked a little feet away from the "nuke". Drones watched the moves of Izuku and his four opponents. The drones were quite fast as well. A mic was strapped on Izuku and the others so U.A could listen to what they were saying.

Izuku looked around, the area is open enough, he thought. "Animal Path" he said.

"Animal Path?" Mina questioned. "What's that Sensei? His quirk?" Kaminari questioned. "Wasn't his quirk something related to Gravity or something?" Kirishima said to Kaminari.

"Shut up!" Shouta send them a glare that made the boys shut up. "As for your question Ashido, We do not know what his Quirk is. It is hidden from the teacher and the principal" he said shocking the students especially All Might.

"Shouta! Why do you not know his quirk! He could be a villain infiltrating U.A for all we know!" Toshinori aggressively whispered
"After this we should interrogate him, I'll bring Naomasa as well" Shouta had it with Toshinori and glared at him.

"Shut up! You may be a competent hero but you are a shitty teacher. Let Nezu and I hand this while you just continue to pose for the media. If Nezu doesn't consider Uzumaki a threat than you can rest assured" Toshinori looked at Shouta with disbelief before he decided to shut up, grumbling about something.

Izuku ran through some hand signs faster than the eyes of the students and teachers could follow.

He took a deep breath and slammed his hand on the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!" A large puff of smoke appeared and when it cleared the students and teachers had their eyes widened in disbelief.

A large abomination of a bird stood, balancing on its two leg with two additional legs on its back and stomach. The bird was green with two wings and a long tail of green feathers. It had a long yellow, jagged beak shaped like a drill. It's eyes were long and big and where the eye should be was instead a copy of Izuku's purple ringed eyes. What was more strange than the horrific appearance of the bird were the two giant black rods embedded in the bird. One in it's back and the other one through it's neck.

The bird resembled a drill. The bird easily dwarfed Izuku in size, standing at 15 feet tall.

"What the hell is that?!" Hagakure screeched. "S-Sensei, shouldn't you s-stop him..." Uraraka clutched her chest in fear The bird terrified all the students.

All Might glared at Izuku. An involuntary shiver went down his spine. No problem. He can summon a bird! So what?!, Although he had his doubts Izuku would be beaten by four students who aren't even pro yet.

"Don't worry Uraraka. It must be a part of his quirk" A hidden smirk appeared on Shouta's face, he shot a side glance at Toshinori and inwardly chuckled when he saw the bead of sweat rolling down his cheek.

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