Ringed Eyes

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Chapter 0: Ringed Eyes

"We are here live at the scene of a villain attack. It appears there has been a villain attack at Musutafu Central. It seems as if a villain with a slime-like quirk has taken a hostage! The hostage appears to be a teenager with an explosion quirk! The heroes aren't doing anything! Where is All Might? Wasn't he in town? We are reporting live from Hero 1"

30 Minutes Ago

"Aah! What the hell is that villain doing?" "He has my purse please help!" A civilian woman pleaded. A villain with a sludge like quirk ran from the scene, the woman ran after the villain, hoping her pleads would be answered, And answered.. they were

"It's All right" A lanky man started before growing in size "Why? cause.. I am Here!" A gigantic blond man stood in place of the sickly individual

His shadowed eyes brought comfort to the people. His Smile gave hope. His precence instilled fear into the corrupted heart of many. This was All Might! The one who stands at the top of the hero World


"Damn it! If it wasn't for that stupid hero I'd be home free. But this is a pretty good find. With such a strong quirk I can kill All Might in one attack" The sludge villain spoke in glee glancing down at his hostage

The hostage was a teenager with sandy blond air, crimson eyes and an explosive quirk to match his explosive temper. Katsuki Bakugo, Self proclaimed Future Number 1 hero

Katsuki was struggling to breath as the villain was forcing parts of it's body or sludge into his mouth

His Quirk was being forced activated as the villain was controlling his hands. The explosion had caused a fire which gradually spread across the near by stores. Rubble had been littered everywhere

The heroes were battle ready and we're about to charge in to the fray risking their lives to save the poor boy
At least that's what would have happened in a comic book or a perfect world

In this era of quirked individuals, the society is corrupted. The majority join the profession of a hero to gain fame and money. It would have been alright if the money they earned was used humbly but again.. this is not a perfect world

The heroes become heroes to gain fame and use their fame to commit heinous acts. Their fame allows them to cover up their actions and what is worse is that no one suspects a thing

They only do jobs that would help in increasing their popularity. Their sacrifice 100 others for their own gain

The heroes Kamui woods, Death Arms and Mount Lady stood by, watching the villain suffocate the poor, innocent boy who has done nothing wrong in his life and aspires to be a great hero who gives others a sense of comfort and safety.... Right?

No! Katsuki Bakugo is an egoistic, selfish boy who thinks he is a god. He feels pleasure in proving the weak ARE weak and he is the strongest. He discriminates against the quirkless
And those with quirks weaker than him and ruthlessly bullies them. Katsuki Bakugo is what you would call a villain but no one care for his wicked actions. Why? You might ask. Because he has a strong quirk

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