The Cub

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( had been searching that song for weeks, finally found it)


~The Cub~

Shouta and All Might escorted the rest of the students to the observation room, while Momo, Shoto, Katsuki and Yui remained in the training area near the start. They were the hero team and as such, they were supposed to capture the hero or touch the "nuke"

The singular Villain was given 10 minutes to hide the bomb in this fake city. All the buildings could be interacted with. While this was called a fake city, this small structure could very well be it's own town

"So..." Momo said trying to break the awkward silence. "What's the plan?" She asked nervously. She was not nervous about talking to her other teammates, she was nervous of having to fight Izuku who had shown, since the beginning, that he was the strongest in their class

Maybe Todoroki and Yui could beat him, she thought to herself. Whilst she did not doubt her combat capabilities, she knew that those two had the best chance to beat izuku. After all, one man can't stand up to 4 individuals with A tier quirks... Can he? Momo was unsure

"The plan is I go and burn his ass while you three stand back!" Katsuki growled menacingly, thinking he was looking threating but the other three could only think that Katsuki resembled a dog. A chihuahua to be precise. A very angry and ugly chihuahua

"That will not do, you have seen Uzumaki is stronger than you. I will go and beat him.... And prove I don't need his power" Shoto said though the last part was muttered under his breath, unheard by everyone but Yui who ignored it

"What the hell did you say to me half n half bastard?! You think that shitty deku is stronger than me?!" Katsuki yelled in rage, stepping closer and closer to Shoto with every sentence

"Thats is what I said. Did Uzumaki not beat you on the first day? And pretty badly too" Katsuki growled ready to lunge forward while Momo watch with nervously. They were a team not enemies. They should be fighting Uzumaki not Each other!

Teammates! That's it!, That's when Momo realised that there was one person who could help them

"Yui, you lived with Uzumaki since you were 8 correct? Then that must mean you must know some of Uzumaki's weakness'! Will you be willing to share?" She asked hopefully

Katsuki and Shoto stopped their bickering and looked towards Yui. Expecting an answer that would quench their hidden fear that Izuku, is infact, stronger than them

Yui looked blankly at the other three than burst into laughter confusing those around them "what's so funny paper bitch?!" Katsuki growled. Yui's laughter slowed down to a giggle and then stopped

She looked at the other three with amusement in here eyes. "Yes. I have been with Izuku since we were 8 and we studied and trained together so I know all about his powers and his weakness..." She trailed off, irritating her other three teammates

We are wasting time here! Why won't she just say his weakness and why is she laughing-, Momo being the smarter student figured out what Izuku's weakness is and burst out laughing at the irony

"What the fuck ponytail?! Why are you also laughing?! Is this some sort of joke?!" Yui looked at Momo with a smile "so you figured it out? His weakness I mean?" She asked with a cheeky grin

Momo nodded and looked towards the two boys

"Uzumaki's weakness' is that..." She started "he has no weakness" Yui ended

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