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Damn it..., Shouta Aizawa thought with only one of his eyes open. Damn it.., He thought as he saw with his only functioning eye as his students protected him.

Damn It.., He thought as he layed at the hard, cold ground with one of his arms bend the opposite direction of where it should be facing and his legs mangled and with his head bleading.

Damn it, He thought as he saw All Might fighting the black bird like beast.

Damn It!, He thought as he saw his students, Yui, Momo, Shoto, Katsuki trying to fend of the masked man.

DAMN IT!, he thought as he saw All Might defeat the black bird like beast but he began to steam.

Damn It!, He yelled in his head as he saw the white eyed boy about to land the killing blow on Katsuki Bakugo.

Please, Someone save them!, And as if his prayers had been answered, a god descended on the battle field with his ringed eyes. And from the gods hand fell a black sphere of an unidentifiable colour.

And that was all Shouta saw before white.

A bus stopped Infront of a doom shaped building. 19 students hopped out of said vehicle. The students being Class 1-A except one.

"Where is Uzumaki?" Kirishima asked kaminari. "D-Dont ask me man!" He said in a panicked voice "Why are you so afraid of him?" Sero asked. Kaminari hugged his body and began to shiver "I was violated. Violated by his eyes! Can you believe it?! I demand an attorney! I will- hey where are you guys going?" Sero and kirishima both ignored kaminari and headed towards Aizawa.

Jirou came from behind him and stared him dead in the eyes with a straight face "Jirou you believe me right! You believe that I was violated right" Kaminari tried to hug Jirou


Kaminari failed to hug Jirou. "Stay away from me idiot" she said, pushing kaminari away as if he were a bug trying to get close. She stabbed him in his stomach with her jacks and left. "No one respects me!" He cried.

"Class!" Shouta yelled gaining everyone's attention. All the 19 students lined up in a straight line
some in respect and others in fear.

"As you have been told, this is the U.S.J-" "you never told us we were going to the Universal studios Japan!?" Mina questioned in shock, forgetting about her fear of Shouta Aizawa. Shouta's eye twitched in anger. He snapped this eyes open glaring at Mina with his quirk activated, making her squirm in fear. "What have I said about interrupting me Miss Ashido?" "To not to-" "to not to" he turned his quirk off.

"Moving on. This is the Unforseen Simulation Joint also known as the U.S.J. The U.S.J was created by the-"
"Space Hero: Thirteen!" Uraraka yelled in excitement, forgetting about what transpired earlier. Shouta just sighed

I don't get paid enough for this shit...

"I am surprised you know" a robotic voice said. "Not many know that I created the U.S.J" it finished. The class turned to the owner of the voice who was wearing am astronaut suit.

"It's the space hero thirteen!" Uraraka fangirls, shaking Iida by his hand. Yes. It is I, the space hero: thirteen!" She gave a bow.

"Now let's head in!" She let the students take the lead, falling behind in line with Shouta she whispered "Where is All Might?" "That damn Buffoon used up all of his time! He doesn't know when to stop!" Shouta mentally cursed All Might out.

Thirteen sighed and followed the students with Shouta right behind her.

Upon entering, the students were graced by the sight of many different zones in the the dome shaped building. Downpour, Mountain, Ruin, landslide, and Flood zones were situated in the U.S.J, all connecting together through the central plaza.

"As you can see their are many different Zones in the U.S.J. I built the U.S.J with the main purpose of training to handle different situations. With this vision in mind and a little help, my vision came true and I was able to help many people train in different scenarios who in turn saved many people" she explained.

The students were distracted by the different zones and had unintentionally ignored Thirteen, however Uraraka, Shoto, Momo, Yui, Bakugo and Iida had their full attention on the hero. One for different reasons albeit.

"Um... Sensei?" Yui called out to Shouta. "Yes, Yui?" "Where is Izuku?"
This gained Momo, Shouto and Bakugo's attention as well "Since he became the Class President, he has to go on a sorts of council meeting with the other class presidents. Unfortunate as it is, I can do nothing about him being here" he answered.

Although, he would have much preferred if the Godly Problem child was here. He was looking forward to seeing how he would work in an area like this, where one has to focus on avoiding the disasters as well as saving people.

"Anyway, class! Come here" he called the class to him. "Now, we will designate each of you a zone that would work against your quirks. Come here One by one an-" he was cut of by Kirishima "Oh Sensei! You have fake villains too! Cool!"

Shouta turned back in a panic and sense of urgency. A purple vortex which stretched along the plaza opened and from it came villains of great quantity.

He put on his yellow goggles and readied his capture weapon. "Thirteen! Get the students out of here! Kaminari try to contact U.A! These are not fake villains-"

From the portal stepped out four villains and behind them the portal closed. A man made of mist wearing a bartenders suit, a black beast resembling a bird with an exposed brain, a young man with pale and shaggy blue hair wearing a hand on his face and a masked man wearing robes.

"Hello U.A~ We are the league of villains and We have come to kill All Might"

"-They are the real deal. We have been invaded!"

Word Count: 1114

A chapter after so long. Please tell me if you liked it or it was meh.
It feels like it's been so long since I last published a chapter, my writing skills have gotten wonky.

We are getting in to the main part of the story now.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote

Peace Out!

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