The Power Of God

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[if you don't cry watching this ^ you have no heart]


~The Power Of God~

Today was the first day at U.A, Izuku and Yui were walking side by side to their new school... To become heroes

They were wearing their given uniforms except Izuku had not wore the jacket as it was small to him

He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and wore a red tie

Izuku and Yui walked around the U.A school or college, in search of their class which was 1-A

After few minutes of wandering they found their class which had a large door. Opening the door, Izuku found himself annoyed at the view

Two students were arguing with each other. One of them was a blond haired boy with an explosive attitude while the other was the same stuck up boy that called Izuku out for no reason

The voice of the door sliding open gained the curiosity of the class, after all they were going to be studying with each other for 3 years and maybe even be heroes together

Yui peaked inside, many makes blushed since she was quite pretty and cute. One blond haired boy was walking towards her to introduce herself but was stopped when he bumped into a wall

At least that's what he thought he bumped into but he knew a wall couldn't just move in his way

Izuku came in between the two and walked ahead not even bothering to look at the blond boy, denki kaminari

Yui followed behind him. "Hey! Man what the hell is your prob-" he found himself unable to Speak as he looked up at the tall man and he shuddered when he gazed into his eyes

Izuku turned around and glared menacingly at Denki and the class went silent not knowing what to do

*Smack* Izuku was smacked by Yui though it did not hurt him in the slightest "Why are you glaring at him, I told you not to do that lets go to our seats"

Everyone's breath hitched. They feared the man would hurt the girl but what they did not count for was the man following her and taking a seat

The class was confused, wasn't the man their teacher?

One brave soul spoke up "Um, sir why aren't you sitting here? Aren't you our teacher?" A black haired girl, Momo yaoyorozu asked

Izuku tilted his head and in a monotone voice said "No I am a student and not your teacher however I believe he is our teacher" Izuku pointed at a yellow thing which was laying by the door

The class followed to where he was pointing and saw something yellow squirm and wiggle

"Ah! It's a giant caterpillar!" The class, except a few, screamed in synch

The caterpillar lifted his head to reveal a man with black hair and tired eyes

Apparently they still thought the man was a caterpillar but with a... Face

"Ah! It's a caterpillar with a human face!"

"Shut up" the man said getting out of his yellow sleeping bag. He neatly folded his yellow bag and put it who knows where. The class promptly shut up

"It took you all 8 seconds to shut up, next time when I say shut up... Shut up" the class shuddered except Izuku, Yui and a few

"Anyways my name is Shouta Aizawa, now here take this and go change in your respective Changing rooms and meet me out in the training field in 10 minutes and don't be late" Aizawa said as handed out P.E uniforms

The students rushed to change their clothes. When Izuku walked passed Aizawa, He could not suppress the fear he felt when he saw the power he held

"3..2..1.. GO!" Shouta watched as students rushed out to collect their points. They were so thirsty to get into a hero school that they started pushing each other

One boy had been walking and not running for points, Shouta noticed
'probabaly a rich brat who thinks he'll get in if he shows us some money' He thought but deep down he felt as if he was wrong

He saw as the boy muttered something and Missiles flew from his hands. 'Maybe he is strong enough to be here'
He thought

"We certainly have a unique batch this year" Shouta did not give a glance at his colleague named nemuri Kayama or Midnight

"Some people are using Speed" Cemontoss said focusing on Iida Tenya

"While some are using brute force" Ectoplasm said focusing on Katsuki Bakugo

"And few are gathering information and then attacking" it showed Yui flying up and then targeting robots

"Hm... What's this" A rat said. The rat was Nezu the principal of U.A. He gained the attention of Others including Shouta

"That boy already has 40 Points! What's his name?" It has not even been 5 minutes and Izuku already had gotten 40 points from just one attack

Shouta was impressed but he would not show it

"His name's Izuku Uzumaki, it says he is an Orphan" Shocked gasps followed through as many did not believe that an Orphan would be able to attend the U.A exam after all Orphanages aren't allowed to let kids leave their Property unless under supervision

"It seems Young Inoue is also an Orphan" A sickly looking man, Toshinori Yagi spoke

"But they know their last names which means that their parents are..." "Dead" Shouta finished for he

A gloomy aura fell onto the viewers

5 Minutes Later

"I think its time" Shouta said And Nezu nodded and pushed the red button

*Rumble*  An earthquake occured which startled the other Examinees

A Panel In The ground opened up to reveal A giant Robot, the 0 pointor

The Robot caused Chaos and tried to Kill the other Examinees

"Nezu! What's going on?!" Shouta Asked in a Panic

"I don't know this isn't supposed to happen!" All Might tried to buff up but spewed blood many heroes tried to rush out but we're stopped

"Wait! Look!" Midnight exclaimed

In the sky just infront of the sun floated a man. The light casted a shadow on his face and only his purple Ringed eyes could be seen. This was Izuku Uzumaki

Teachers evacuated the examinees and the only one left was Izuku

They watched curiously as to what will happen

Izuku glanced down noticing that there was no one left 'Good' he thought

He pointed his palm at the robot

"Deva Path"

"Shinra Tensei.."

And just like that the whole of  the fake City Beta. The largest fake City in U.A which was comparable to Musutafu
Had been blown away

The teachers watched as Izuku sat on a big piece of rubble and gazed into the sky

'The power of God'


Word Count: [1137]

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