Broken Past

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~Broken Past~

"Icchan" Izuku along with Yui stopped and looked at the speaker. He turned around. Bloody Crimson met Hardened Ringed eyes. "Are you speaking to me?" Izuku asked. His voice as monotone as ever

Most students of the class 1-A stopped to listen to the two, after all there unique eyes classmate was a mystery to them

"Yes! You are Icch- Izuku Midoriya right! Don't you remember me?!" He yelled in question, his voice holding an undertone of desperation

"I am afraid you have the wrong person" He responded. Izuku turned around to leave with Yui about to follow but found his wrist being held by someone. He looked behind him and saw Katsuki holding his wrist

"Don't fuck with me! I can never forget that green and red bush of a hair and I certainly know you remember me! Hell! Aizawa sensei announced your name to the whole fucking class!" by now even Shouta and All Might who was watching behind the corner came out in his Normal form to watch what was happening

Shouta was conflicted. On one hand he wanted to stop them before the situation escalated especially knowing what Izuku could do but on the other hand, Izuku, along with Yui, was a complete mystery. He knew Izuku was powerfull but he did not know anything about him, just that he is an Orphan. Against his better judgement he let katsuki do as he wanted... For now. And so he blended into the shadow

Izuku glared at Katsuki. He did not liked to be touch. "Un hand me" he spoke. His voice carrying a clear threat

"Not before you tell me where you have fucking been!" Katsuki yelled. Izuku's hand twitched and he was about to attack but a wall of paper blocked the two powerhouses from each other

"It would be in your best interest to not anger Izuku.... unless you wish to end you hero career before it even begins" Yui stated in a matter-of-fact tone

This chilled many others especially one who saw what he could do but irritated katsuki to know end. Who the hell does this bitch think she is! Katsuki gets what he wants and he currently wants answers!

The paper that were once making a wall disappeared were absorbed back into Yui

Katsuki growled in anger "who the hell do you think you are bitch! I'll kill you!" Katsuki said sending a huge explosion towards Yui

Shouta moved to try and stop his wild student but was too slow. He knew Yui could protect herself easily but his hero instincts kicked in

Yui herself had a blank expression and did not flinch. A wall of paper blocked the explosion and protected Yui. The paper retraced back in to the orphan girl who stood without any damage

"How the he-" he was cut short when he was pulled by an invisible force towards Izuku who had his palm extended. Izuku tightened his hold around katsuki's throat after he had been pulled towards him and smashed him down at the ground face down.

Many flinched but the next thing they saw was not expected at all. Even for the teachers

Izuku used the gravity to position Katsuki's left hand on his right hand. He flexed his open hand and a black rod extended from his palm. He gripped the rod and pierced through both of Katsuki's hands, effectively pinning him to the ground

"AAAH!" Katsuki yelled in agony. The force of the rod hitting the ground created spider cracks beneath Katsuki

"Hey what the hell are you doing!" Kirishima yelled. Izuku looked towards him and said "he tried to hurt someone precious to me"

Eijiro looked at him with conflicted eyes "Still... you could have just punched him! You didn't need to stab him with- with that thing!" He said, gaining his confidence at the end

He was the only one who spoke up for katsuki. Others were just scared of Izuku and so was Eijiro but Izuku still had miniscule amounts of respect for Eijiro for speaking up when no one could

"I respect you for speaking up when no did, however small that respect maybe though, I suggest you don't speak up for someone like him"

Eijiro felt pride that someone as strong as Izuku respected him but that changed to confusion really quickly "What do you mean by "Someone like him"?"

"There was once a little boy. He was childhood friends with a kid he considered his brother. They both did everything together. They loved each other's company. They promised they would become heroes together... Until the older of the two best friends got his quirk. He started to become arrogant. He became egotistical. The poor, younger, kid was left to chase the shadow of his friend. The family eventually went to the the quirk doctor where the young boy was declared quirkless. Heartbroken, the child sought the comfort of his brother in all but blood. But what he got was a glare and an explosion to the face. "You are useless, quirkless and defenseless. You are a Deku" the older one said. The younger boy suffered harsh treatment from his classmates and who he considered once, a brother. Everyday he would go home with burns and bruises and lie to his parents "I fell" was his favourite excuse. Two years passed and the treatment continued until the older of the two former friends decided it was time to up the beating. He blasted the poor boy with his explosion every day. The teachers did nothing. They did not want to ruin the chances of a upcoming hero by defending a quirkless kid. One day, the older decided to give the younger some advice. The advice was "If you want a quirk so badly take a swan dive off the roof and hope to be Born with a quirk  your next life" and the sad part is that day. Izuku Midoriya did die" Gasps were heard throughout the field. Some girls had tears in their eyes

"But I do wanna say this" Katsuki and the others looked at Izuku who's eyes were filled with rage

"Thank you for the wonderful advice Kacchan" Katsuki flinched and so did many others. It was hard not to. The venom filled in a single sentence was too much for most to handle

"Because of the Pain I suffered by your and many others hands, I have the necessary strength to achieve my goal" he said walking away. The rod in katsuki's hand fading away to nothingness

"Your goal?" Katsuki asked

Izuku glanced back. His eyes holding more sadness and rage

"To kill a certain someone... Yui let's go"

And they flew away with Izuku floating and Yui from wings made of paper

But one thing was certain to everyone. Izuku had a truly

Broken Past

Word count: [1152]

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