The Boy behind the Hood

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~The Boy Behind The Hood~

Chapter 1: The Boy behind the hood

"Shinra... Tensei..."

As soon as those two words left the mouth of the hooded individual, an invisible force collided against the villain, sending the sludge flying into bits all across the area

Katsuki was sent flying in the sky. Everyone fearing he would die if he fell from such great heights

They thought the mysterious man would do something but he just stood their

1 second passed...

The heroes tried to move closer to the boy

2 seconds passed...

Kamui woods tried to extend his wooden arm to catch the boy but katsuki was out of reach

3 seconds passed...

All Might tried to power up. He kept trying but couldn't

4 seconds passed...

Katsuki looked down. He was going to die without becoming number 1

5 seconds passed...

The hooded figure rose a hand, his palm facing the free falling boy who was about to touch the ground

"Banshō Ten'in"

As if gravity was being willed by the boy in robes, katsuki came flying at the man with great speeds

The man caught Katsuki by the throat

The last thing Katsuki saw was Purple eyes with a ripple pattern staring deep down his soul, Judging his every sin

Katsuki woke up with a major headache. He looked around to see many people gathered around the hooded man. That man is he looking down on me Katsuki thought. His mind deluded

Katsuki approached the silent man. The reporters pestering the hooded figure. Heroes scolded him saying what he did was reckless and got in the way of the heroes

Katsuki got closer to the man wanting to humiliate him. But as he got closer the world seemed to slow down

Katsuki looked at the man... No katsuki thought. That was no man

As soon as katsuki glanced at the purple eyes he felt his knees getting weak. It wasn't that he was scared no, katsuki would never admit it but he was


It wasn't that his knees were shaking because he was angry or afraid but it was because that in the presence of that man, katsuki felt like he had to bow as if he were a king or perhaps a... God

"Hello Sir. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" The reporter sweetly asked. Having received no reply she took it as a que to continue... First mistake

"Why did yo-" She was cut off when those unique eyes glanced at her. She had never been so afraid in her entire life

The reporter backed away muttering apologies and then ran leaving the crew and the civilians confused

"Hey! Did you know that you got in the way of heroes" death arms sneered

"What if you had gotten hurt" Kamui woods said, still salty he wasn't getting the credit

"Do you now how much Pain we have to endure in a villain fight. What if you had gotten hurt~" Mt. Lady said. A seductive edge in her tone. Second mistake. She had seen the way the man's muscles rippled when he battled- more accurately, destroyed the villain

The male glanced at her, a raging wind behind the calm eyes of his

"Pain... What do you know about Pain" his voice send shivers down the spine of the citizen

All Might had encountered countless ruthless villains, he had defeated them all. The worst villain he ever encountered was his nemesis.. but this hooded figure was more frightening than his nemesis and All Might combined

All Might after such a long time truly felt afraid

Mt.Lady, who just debuted was to arrogant for her own good. She did not sense the hidden bloodlust which the other two heroes sensed and backed of. She got more angry at this person who just tried to embarrass her

She would have retorted if not for the wall of paper no Origami that shielded the people from the man

The origami created a small revolving wall around the masked individual before gathering in one place in the shape of a human body

The body took the shape of a girl who was also in robes with a hood over her heads. Her body figure gave away her identity seeing as one was much more muscular while the other looked feminine

"Let's go" the soft, empty voice of the girl spoke

The boy nodded before both dissapeared in a flutter of Origami

One question remained in the heads of the bystanders, the heroes, and the victim

"Who was the boy behind the hood"

Word Count: [769]

Banshō Ten'in - All Mighty Pull/
                                Universal Pull

I just wanted to get this chapter out of the way seeing it was just talking and stuff

This arc will be very short... Maybe 1 chapter more

If you are wondering Izuku has all the six path. He does not need other bodies to use the six paths

You can check the character image of the OC girl in the OC info chap

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote

Peace Out!

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