Plus Ultra!

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The number one hero didn't know what to feel. Should he let his rage show or should he feel ashamed that he had to let his students fight his battles?

He shook his head. The U.S.J building was close. He would make it there in a minute or two.

"Please, hold on fledgling heroes." All Might saw the shattered ceiling. Must've been young Uzumaki.

Iida had told him of Uzumaki running to the battlefield. Hearing that made him a little relieved. Young Uzumaki was strong and there was no denying that. He is stronger than most of the heroes.

But he lacks the experience of a real fight-- a fight with your life on the line and that's what worries him the most.

Arriving at the U.S.J's entrance, All Might doesn't wait and bursts through the doors.

He looks around. Many of his students were already at the entrance. He saw Young Yui and Young Asui tending to a bloody Aizawa.

Hearing a loud thud, All Might turned just in time to see Izuku slam into the hard, rocky ground.

He watches in worry and in growing anger as the purple beast readies a killing blow.

He hears Yui and her classmates scream. screams filled with worry, sorrow, anger and many other things.

He loosens his tie. A scowl on his face.

The last time he was this angry was when he was facing off against his old nemesis.

All Might was angry.

With a Battlecry, he slammed his fist between Nomu and Izuku, acting as a wall to protect the young boy and nearly taking Nomu's head off.

"It's all right now…" he all but growled. He stood protectively Infront of someone he wasn't the kindest to.

He would apologize to the young man after all of this was over.

"Cause I am here!" He saw the pale haired boy smile.


Izuku opened his eyes to see the back of All Might. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Hahaha!" He looked over at Shigaraki who was laughing maniacally. "You're finally here All Might! I was getting tired of seeing my Nomu beat up that brat!" Shigaraki completely ignored the efforts of the masked man.

"Nomu!" The beast understood the orders of it's master immediately and charged at All Might.

"Bring it on Villain!" All Might looked ready to charge in but a wave of a repulsive force-- known only to Izuku, sent the villain flying away.

"Shinra Tensei!" Izuku pointed his hands towards the three conscious villains. A force stronger than any Izuku has ever produced, shot out and sent the rest of the villains nearly flying. Kurogiri teleported himself and Shigaraki away while the masked man disappeared without a sound.

"Young Uzu-" Izuku interrupted All Might. "We don't have much time so listen to me carefully. That beast, Nomu, has multiple quirks specifically created and integrated to defeat you." All Might's dark eyes widened at hearing the new piece of information.

Could it be!?

Before he could ask about it more, his young student's voice interrupted him again. "The quirks that Nomu have are Super-Regeneration, Super-Strength, Super-Speed and shock absorption."

All Might was severely worried hearing the underlying fear in the Young Uzumaki's voice.

"I know this is a lot to ask of you swing how you are pushing your limits." All Might's face grew concerned and shocked. Sensing All Might's confusion and shock, Izuku shook his head. "I'll explain it to you later. You think you can handle the Nomu, Kurogiri and Shigaraki on your own?"

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