Class 1-A Fight!

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~Class 1-A Fight!~

"W-Why is Aizawa-Sensei f-fighting so brutally?" Jirou questions holding a hand over her mouth, resisting the urge to vomit.

"He's fighting like a villain!" Mineta exclaimed. "So not manly" kirishima whispered to himself.

The class had mixed thoughts. The majority believed that what their teacher was doing was wrong. The minority, Yui, Shouto, and Katsuki believed that all the brutality and maiming was necessary for survival.

However, just because it was a necessity did not mean the three supported the act of brutality and death.

Resisting the urge to vomit and run, the students turned away from the fight.

"Students" thirteen voiced. All faces turned to the space hero, uraraka's the quickest. "I know some of you may find Aizawa's... methods a little unnecessary or even villainous. However, I would like you to look at it from his perspective" she said.

Thirteen elaborated upon seeing the students confused expressions "he does not like the idea of killing or maiming as much as you lot. However, he does this because he has something he wants to protect. Class 1-A" she finished.

"Last time Aizawa killed was a long long time ago and it was out of- that's not my place to tell" They understood, the students. They could never forget their teachers brutality however they at least understood.

They now saw their teacher in a new light and now held more respect towards him.

"Hello Thirteen, Class 1-A"

The students stilled and turned to look at the mist villain, Kurogiri who had teleported to the entrance of U.S.J, right behind the class.

"Students, get behind me!" Thirteen yelled, pushing kirishima behind her.

"Don't underestimate me bastard! Die!" Katsuki yelled as he leapt up with an explosion ready in his palm, kirishima followed suit.


A explosion ripped through the air, engulfing the mist villain. The students and one teacher waited with
bated breath for the smirked to clear.

"W-What?!" Katsuki stuttered in shock. The smoke cleared revealing Kurogiri standing unharmed in the same position as before.

"H-how are you-?" Kirishima cut himself short.

"I forget that even if you all are children you still are U.A's golden eggs" the villain said darkly.

"Everyone get behind me!" The tip of thirteen's finger flipped open and a vicious gust of wind started pulling Kurogiri in.

Quirk: Black hole. Thirteen can create a black hole any where she wants however, she usually creates the black hole in the tip of her finger's suit to avoid collateral damage.

Kurogiri tried resisting but to no avail, the villain got sucked in her finger and-

"Agh" thirteen choked out. The back of her suit was torn away by the portal behind her.

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