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"So..." Shouta began "Now that you all are finally here we can get on with the tests" "Test?" An invisible girl said "yes.. tests to determine where you currently stand in strength and Viability" he said "But what about orientation?!" A brown haired girl asked "Uraraka right? *Sigh* As heroes in training, you don't have time to be wasting standing around idle, Now the person who comes last will be expelled"

Gasps of shock went around the class "You can't do that, we just got here that's not fair!" She exclaimed voicing the complains of the other students

Before Shouta could say anything Izuku piped in "Fair?" He started, his voice still emotionless but carrying an edge of sadness and disgust with tiny amounts of Hatred and... Pain

"Nothing in this world is Fair. Criminals running around wreaking havoc. Villains destroying the peace, Quirk discrimination leading to Isolation and Suicide as well as loosing the life of your loved ones... Is that fair? Is experiencing Pain fair?"

This shut up the girl as well as most of the class who agreed with Uraraka

"Couldn't have said that better, Now let's get on with the first one. Katsuki Bakugo, you came in second with 78 villain points. Throw this ball as fast as you can"

Katsuki walked forward looking at the ball with deep thoughts on his mind
'I'll become a hero for both of us, Icchan' "Die!" The ball went flying as Katsuki used his explosion quirk on it

*Beep* "786.9 metres Nice" Shouta commented "That looks fun, I wanna go next" A pink skinned and haired girl, Mina Ashido said. Shouta turned and glared at her

"If you think this is fun than go hang around MicDonalds or something"
The class except a few shivered at Shouta's bluntness


(I Will only be doing Izuku, Yui and Katsuki)

50 metre race

Izuku floated his way to the end with extreme speed - 2.9 seconds

Katsuki exploded his way to the end -
4.20 seconds

Yui turned into paper and glided the way there - 3.7 seconds

Grip Test

Izuku - 860 Kg

Katsuki - 210 Kg

Yui - 69 Kg

Push Ups

Izuku - Max 200

Katsuki - 121

Yui - 43

Standing long jump

Izuku - cleared

Katsuki - cleared

Yui - cleared

Now it was time for the ball test. Yui went before Izuku and got 487 metres

Izuku stood infront of the entire class who looked at him with judgmental stares. Some though he was really powerful, Some thought he was a showoff and waste of time while one had different thoughts

He thought that Izuku looked eerily familiar

"You are up Uzumaki"

Izuku went in the middle and threw the ball just infront of him, few feet above his head

The class was angry as they thought he was playing with them

Until Izuku pointed his palm to the ball and muttered "Shinra Tensei"

The ball suddenly went flying and dissapeared out of sight

*Beep* 42.069 Km


"What?!" Everyone except a few yelled

Most people thought this was impossible and begun asking him questions

"What's your quirk?"
"How old are you?"
"Will you go on a date with me"?
"Aren't I fabulous?"

Izuku had enough of this and glared at everyone which promptly shut them up

The results were displayed on a holographic screen

1-Izuku Uzumaki Midoriya

2-Shoto Todoroki

3-Yui Inoue

4-Katsuki Bakugo

5-Momo Yaoyorozu

6-Tenya Iida
21-Tooru Hagakura

"Now Hagakure, you are, while not expelled, have been transferred to Gen Es if you so choose. Otherwise you are expelled from U.A"

Hagakure chose to be transferred to Gen Ed, after all who would ruin their chances to study at a top school

"I thought he was bluffing, I didn't know he was serious" Momo Yaoyorozu spoke, all her smug and confidence vanishing into thin air

Izuku while walking past spoke "Never assume things unless you want your career as a hero to end quicker, as well as your life" he whispered before walking away

He was going to the locker, Yui by her side before he was stopped by a voice or more specifically a name he hadn't heard in ages


Word Count: [700]

Sorry for the short chapter. I wasn't in the mood to update today but still did regardless. I'll make the next chapter longer. Before any of you Hagakure fans start sending me death threats and try writing my name in the death note, hear me out

I don't hate Tooru, I just wanted the class to have 20 students. The reason I didn't expel mineta in her stead was that mineta actually got first in something (side step which I forgot to do) and also because I wanted mineta to be a pervet towards a certain someone so Izuku could bash his head in

Also, I hate the fact that in cannon Izuku got last place, bruh even without his quirk he could still at least get 10th place

Kaminari's quirk can't help in the quirk test neither can Jiro's nor kirishima granted he is much more fit and manlier than Izuku and ofc Tooru's quirk can't help in the test so I just didn't know why he got last

Anyways end of the rant here

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Peace Out!

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