Chapter 6 - Kiko Aizawa

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I don't know why I was so nervous. I knew she would ask what my quirk is. It was only a matter of time but I'm not a goodlier. Where finally getting along I don't want her thinking I'm lying to her.

"Force fields are a great quirk. It can be used for so many things not only protection but you could use your forcefeilds to attack, trap, move things, and fly." She said excitedly as she listed off things I would never be able to do.

"In theary but all I can do is put up a protective shield for a few minutes and I have to stay still. If I move the shild will fall apart." I told her.

"Im sure youll figure it out. Your going to UA right I'm sure they will be able to help you." She told me and I was confused by what she had just said.

"You mean we will be going to UA." I corrected her.

She responded by laughing, like a real deep laugh. When she stopped she almost couldn't breathe.

"Whats so funny?" I asked her.

"I haven't been to school in years. I never finished how would I get into one of the most competitive schools in the world?" She asked once she caught her breath.

"Dad works there, the two of us got in on reconmindation." I answered her.

Her brow scrunched together as she thought about what I just told her.

"That doesn't change the fact that I never graduated from the fifth garde." She told me.

I could not hide the surprise on my face. I knew she lived on the street but I had no idea she was alone for that long.

"How old where you when you ran away?" I asked her wishing I knew exactly how old she would have been in year five of an American school.

"I was ten." She answered.

"That must have been hard." I responded not knowing how to respond, it scared me to think how different my life could have been if dad wasn't a part of it.

"It was and I don't want to talk about it!" She snapped at me as she clenched her fists and looked to the floor.

I was taken aback by her sudden outburst. I was just curious and wanted to get to know my sister. I didn't mean to anger her. I made a quick mental note not to ask about her past, at least not now. I would have to earn her trust first before she opened up.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." I told her.

"Whatever, lets just leave the past in the past." She told me.

"Deal." I agreed hoping she would calm down and we can go back to getting along.

"Anyway, I cant beleave dad hasn't talked to you about school yet. Its so like him to slack." I told her causing her to smile slightly.

"He doesn't seem like a slacker to me." She responded.

"You will soon see how wrong you are. He latterly carried a sleeping bag around with him." I told her causing her to laugh before she realized I was being serious.

"So what where you going to tell me about school?" She asked.

"U.A. entrance exam is in three months, so all you have to do is pass a test proving that your cought up with your studies and you will be placed in U.A. in the grade like you should be." I told her.

I looked at her as her face turned whiter than it already was and she looked like she was going to vomit.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her.

"What if I cant pass the test. Im not that smart, and I am years behind and I don't even speak Japanese. How am I supposed to catch up and learn a new langue in less than three months?" She asked as she started to panic.

"Don't stress Mara, dad has got you a tuter and we will help you with anything you need. Your guaranteed to get into U.A. on recommendation all you have to worry about is this exam." I told her hoping it would calm her down.

It didn't work. She spent the rest of the night panicking. She really had no confidence in her intelligence which made me extremely sad that she felt that way. She has been taking care of herself for years. I couldn't have done that and I don't know anyone our age who would have. I think she's a lot smarter than she thinks she is. I just need to help her realize it.

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