Chapter 8 - Katsuki Bakugo

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Shortly after I had left Rizzo at the food court the Old Hag appeared with the shitty gifts she bought for Dad's birthday tonight.

"Who was the cute girl you where talking too?" She asked the second she appeared almost giving me a heart attack.

"Don't sneak up on me you Old Hag!" I yelled at her.

"Answer the question you ungrateful brat!" She yelled back.

"Just some lost American idiot." I snapped at her.

"Please tell me you where nice?" She asked me.

"Why do you care? I'll never see her again." I told her.

"Sometimes you are a real idiot. You latterly ran into a cute, lost foran girl who probably would have loved to have someone show her around and I know you where a jerk." She told me only making me angry.

Who the hell was she talking about. Does she have eyes? That crazy, disaster of a girl was not some helpless cute girl. Well, actually she did seem pretty helpless.

"She's not my problem." I replied as I finished my drink as I walked to our car.

After the mall, we went to the store to buy what we needed for a birthday dinner. It was about 3 pm when we finally got home which meant I had to start prepping the roast mom was forcing me to make for dad's birthday dinner. I seasoned and injected the roast with an oil mixture I made and put it in the fridge to sit while I chopped up the potatoes and vegetables. I was about to start chopping when I received a text notification on my phone. I looked over to see who had texted me and was surprised to see the name that had popped up.

American Idiot

"What the fuck does she want?" I mumbled to myself.

"What?" My mom called from the other room.

"Nothing! Mind your own business!" I yelled back at her.

I whipped off my hands before unlocking my phone to see what she texted.

American Idiot:

Help me!

What the hell does she mean "help me!" is she in danger?

I was unsure of what to write. I just stared at my phone for a moment before answering.


You better be dying.

I texted her then instantly regretted it. Why would I say that? That was so fucking stupid. I didn't have much time to think about the stupid response before my phone rang again. She had replied.

American Idiot:

I wish I was.

She texted then a few seconds later another message came from her.

American Idiot:

Please tell me you're still at the mall.

I read her text and started to become worried. Maybe she was in danger. Why do you even care? She's just some weird ass girl. I should block her. I thought to myself as I fought with if I should answer her or not. After a minute of internal arguing, I convinced myself that I cared because I wanted to be a hero and heroes care about other people's safety. I was about to answer her when my mom walked into the kitchen.

"Why do I not hear any chopping?" She snapped.

"Because I'm on the phone!" I yelled back.

"Who you talking to?" She asked as she snatched the phone from my hand.

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