Chapter 9 - Kiko Aizawa

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Once we got home Mara went straight to bed without dinner. She seemed to be in a bad mood. Her attitude changed drastically after Momo got there. I got the impression that she didn't like her much. Once Momo got there she became quiet and just kind of hung back ignoring the two of us. She was completely checked out until she started texting someone on her phone. At first, she seemed happy but then she frantically started texting. Her joy was quickly replaced with anger but then by the time the texts stopped she seemed sad, really sad.

"How was the mall?" Dad asked as we sat down for dinner.

"Fun." I answered.

"I can tell from all the bags." He responded. "What I meant was how was it spending the day with your sister?" He corrected himself.

"It was good until it wasn't." I answered.

"What does that mean?" He asked as he became more alert.

"We were having a good time, bonding the whole nine yards until Momo got there." I answered.

"What was Momo doing there?" He asked me I could tell he was annoyed.

"I invited her." I answered confused as to why he was angry.

"You where supposed to be sepending the day with your sister not your friend." He snapped at me.

"I didn't think she would care. I mean now she has someone else she knows." I told him trying to defend myself.

"Of course she would care, she just spent half the day watching you hang out with your friend. Probably ignoring her because I know how the two of you get when your together. You're the only person she knows here Kiko. I expect more from you." He told me causing me to instantly become defensive.

I knew he was trying to make me to feel bad but I had nothing to feel bad about. I was trying to introduce her to Momo so she would have another friend at U.A. It's not my fault she didn't want to get to know her.

"I don't think Momo was the problem. The problem was who ever she was texting on her phone!" I yelled at him before storming off into my room.

I wasn't even mad at Mara for being so rude to Momo and Mara wasn't even mad at me. She was pissed at whoever she was secretly texting. I don't know why dad has to make such a big deal about nothing.  

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