Chapter 12 - Kiko Aizawa

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"Mara I'm back!" I yelled out when I walked in the front door with the disgusting coffee and donuts she liked.

I thought a lot about what dad had said to me last night and he was right. It was the first time the two of us hung out. I should not have invited Momo. I should have focused on my sister and try and make her feel more comfortable in her new surroundings.

"Mara!" I called out again when she didn't answer.

I put down the stuff I had bought on the table and did a quick lap of the house while I continued to yell out for her. She wasn't here. I pulled out my phone to call her, I was surprised when I heard her phone ringing from somewhere in the house. I followed the noise to see she had left her phone charging on her bedside table.

"Shit, where are you?" I asked as I looked around trying to find a clue of where she could have gone.

All I had to go on was the fact that her room was a mess. Her knew clothes were scattered all over the floor. I started to panic that she had run away.

Would she? Would she take off on us like that?

I did one quicker sweep of her room and realized that was probably not the case. All her stuff was still here. If she were going to run away, she would have taken some of her stuff.

Maybe she went to work with dad. I thought not that I would understand why she would go.

All he had was meetings and paperwork to do today. Nothing that would be interesting for a fourteen-year-old girl.

I ran up to the roof to see if she was up there. She wasn't, and I was starting to become worried. What if she got lost? She doesn't have her phone and she can't talk to anyone or read any of the signs. How would she find her way home? What if something happened to her? I had to calm myself down she could just be with dad. I tried to call him, but he didn't answer. He probably has his phone turned off.

I decided against leaving him a message that would just make him panic. I was just going to have to go out and find her before dad got home and realized she was gone. 

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