Chapter 14 - Kiko Aizawa

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"I'm home." Dads voice rung out through the house as he walked into the kitchen.

"Shit." I said as I continued to pace around the living room.

I had spent the last two hours searching for Mara. I looked all over the neighborhood, every store, shop, and park. I was unable to find her. I had no idea what I was going to tell dad. How do I tell him he lost his daughter? The daughter he just found. What if she did run away?

"Kiko what's wrong?" He asked the second he walked into the living room.

I looked over to him to see him stopped in the entry way still holding all his stuff.

"I can't find Mara!" I yelled out not being able to contain myself.

He looked at me for a second before dropping his stuff on the couch.

"What do you mean you can't find her?" He asked me.

"I came back from getting coffee this morning and she was gone." I answered.

"She's been missing since this morning?" He asked as he started looking around as if it make her appear.

"I tried calling her, but she left her phone here. I tried calling you, but you didn't answer." I told him causing him to pull his phone out of his pocket and press the button to turn it back on.

"I turned it on for the meeting." He answered as he noticed my missed calls.

"I went out and tried to find her, but I couldn't, I don't know where she is." I said as I started to cry not being able to contain it anymore.

"Don't cry, she probably just got turned around." He told me as he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"What if she ran away?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"She didn't run away." He answered.

"How do you know?" I asked as I tried to get myself under control.

"Because she finally has a home. Why would she run away?" He asked and I didn't know if he was lying to me or himself.

"Where could she be?" I asked him.

"If she's not running around the streets that mean she's found somewhere to go. So where would she go?" He asked me.

"I don't know. She doesn't know anyone except us and Momo and I already called her just in case." I answered him.

"That's not true, she knows that kid she's talking to on her phone." He responded as he let me go and went and grabbed his stuff that he had placed him down on the couch.

"Katsuki Bakugo." He said as he waved a file in my face.

"Why do you have a file on Mara's only friend?" I asked him as I was starting to wonder if he had files on all my friends.

"I don't, I mean I do its in my hand but that's just because he's one of the applicants to UA." He told me as he tried to make himself seem less crazy.

"How do you know that's who she was talking to?" I asked him.

"I saw his name on her phone." He answered so fast that he seemed more surprised than I did.

"Why where you looking through her phone?" I yelled at him.

"I wasn't, he texted her and I saw his name on the phone. Look that doesn't matter. Go get her phone we will try and call him." He told me.

"Okay." I said then ran to her room to grab her phone.

When I got back downstairs, I handed the phone to him. He grabbed the phone for me and quickly dialed this Bakugo person. Her tried it a few times so I assumed he wasn't answering.

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